Thursday, October 23

SKIN&LAB Dr Pore Tightening Glacial Clay Facial Mask

It's October again and this means Halloween is here! I'm sure some of you are already thinking about what halloween costume you should get this year. Well, I think I got myself some option here haha...just kidding! 

又是十月了, 时间过得真快啊,万圣节又到咯!相信有些人已经准备好今年要扮谁了吧。我也不差哦,下面的好不赖吧? 哈哈
raaaawwwhhhh!!! The green face monster is here! 
This is my current favorite clay mask. I use it when I feel that my skin is getting very oily. It is usually the week before menses. It is the week which we have our mood swing and abnormal appetite. During this week, the level of progesterone increases and this stimulates higher sebum production. This is why our skin gets oily faster.

我最近最爱的就是这款粘土面膜。每当我觉得脸很油的时候,我就会敷上它,通常都是大姨妈来的前一个星期,也就是我们女生会有情绪波动问题和胃口大增的那一个星期。 月经来之前,孕酮的水平会增高,导致皮脂腺旺盛,所以脸更油。

Some people has the misconception that clay mask is only for people with oily skin but this is wrong. My skin gets oily very fast after washing. But at the same time, I also have flaky skin on my nose. I really cannot figure out my skin type back then. I end up trying a few products made for oily skin and guess what? It didn't work and my skin got worse. Then one of my friend recommended that I need to use a clay mask for deep purifying and to absorb some of the oil out. So, I got the Dr Young Anti Pore Deep Clearing Clay Mask which the girl from Sasa recommended me. Everytime I use it, I end up having pimples popping out after that and it did not help with my combination skin complication. So, I thought my skin doesn't like clay mask. Then when I met my friend who runs Vanity Jo on Facebook, she recommended me the Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask, it turns out great! Apparently it was not my skin that did not like clay mask, it was that particular clay mask that sucks! And then I was brave enough to buy a whole big tub of the Skin & Lab Glacial Clay Facial Mask.

许多人对粘土面膜有错误的观念,他们都以为粘土面膜只适合油性肤质。我的脸洗干净过后很快就会出油,可是常常鼻子都会脱皮。连我自己也分不清是怎么一回事。 结果就盲目地试了一些给油性肌的产品咯。最后还是弄巧反拙。然后就有朋友建议我用粘土面膜, 因为粘土面膜有深层净化的功效,它也可以吸掉皮肤多余的油脂。后来我就买了Dr Young 的Anti Pore Deep Clearing Clay Mask,因为Sasa的销售小姐介绍的。每次用完我就会有小小颗的痘痘,而且它根本没有改善我的肤质。 当时我以为我的皮肤不适合用粘土面膜。 还好后来认识了一位女生,就是我常提起的Vanity Jo,她让我试用Innisfree 的 Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask,效果超好的!事实上问题不在于我的皮肤,而是用了不好的产品。过后呢,我就大胆地买了一大罐Skin & Lab 的 Glacial Clay Facial Mask。

My first experience with this clay mask was unpleasant. Because it stings, A LOT. I thought it's my skin again and I was pretty bumped that I didn't stink to the Innisfree one. Immediately I was thinking of who to give this to. Luckily, I look it up on the internet to see if there is someone else who is having the same issue as me. And BAM! It turns out the tingling effect for the first 5 minutes is normal. It is when the product act against the dead skin cells.

我的第一次并不是很爽 *偷笑* , 因为皮肤感觉又刺又辣。我真的以为又是我的问题,而且干嘛手痒不买回Innisfree呢?! 其实我已经想着要把这罐东西给谁好了。幸好有上网找看有没有别人也有同样的问题,果然每个用过都这样, 前五分钟都会有刺刺的感觉,那是产品针对死皮的化学作用。

Basically, this mask works in 3 steps. First, it clears off all the unnecessary stuff on the surface of the skin like dirt, oil, dead skin cells. Secondly, when the mask starts drying out, it helps to tighten and firm up the pores. And lastly, the oatmeal in the mask helps to put back hydration into the skin. So, the skin is perfectly balanced = less oily + more hydration.

基本上,这款粘土面膜的功效分为三大步。第一,大扫除:面膜会将表层的杂物如:污垢、油脂和死皮清除。 第二, 面膜慢慢干的同时也帮助拉紧皮肤和缩小毛孔。最后,面膜里的燕麦片可帮助恢复皮肤里的水分。少了油 + 多了水分 = 皮肤里外就会完美地平衡了。

Besides the normal use of a clay mask, I also like to use it on my acne. I'll put it on overnight and the clay mask helps it to dry off quicker and also reduces the redness. If you have combination skin, do consider using this clay mask on your T-zone only and put on a separate mask, like a hydration mask, for the U-zone. This also one of the Tip Tuesday that Tati talked about on her Youtube channel recently. Apart from that, Skin & Lab suggested that it can be used on the back or any part of the body where you have acne. The tea tree extract in the product is anti-bacterial so it helps to calm and reduce acne.

除了一般敷脸的用法,我也会把面膜点在痘痘上过夜。这样痘痘会更快干掉,也会消红。如果你是混合肌的,可以把粘土面膜涂在 T 字部位上, 然后再用另一种保湿面膜涂在 U 字部位上。 除此之外,Skin & Lab 也建议大家可以用在身体有痘痘的部位上。 产品里的茶树精华有抗菌的功效, 它可帮助镇定和消除痘痘。
Plugged from
The official website of Skin & Lab only has the Korean version 
This is absolutely my savior! My skin has improved so much. And it is safe to say that this is the secret to maintaining my skin balanced for the past few months. The clay mask did not dry out my skin and most importantly, it lowers the activeness of my sebum. I have less breakout since I started using it, which is miracle! I can say that this product made my skin routine complete. I usually use it once a week because my skin is not that oily. Previously, it was not available in Malaysia. You can only get them from Korea if you travel there or you can order online. I got it from Vanity Jo for RM70. And recently, Skin & Lab set up an official website for us, Malaysian! How great is that?! This clay mask is RM71 on their website (not including shipping). I hope I shed some light on this clay mask topic. If you do not have a clay mask in your routine, do consider this clay mask.

这简直就是我的救世主啊!我的皮肤改进了很多。我这几个月都是靠它来维持漂亮的肌肤。这粘土面膜不会使皮肤干燥,更重要的是, 它平定了我的皮脂腺。自从用了它以后,我就很少生痘痘了,简直就是奇迹!由于我的皮肤不是很油, 我通常一个星期只用一次。这产品之前在马来西亚都买部到,只有在韩国或是网上有得买。我是在Vanity Jo 买的,一罐 RM70。只有最近Skin & Lab才有在马来西亚设定了他们的官方网站。 超棒的!网上售价是RM71(不包括运输费)。我希望今天粘土面膜这个话题给了大家一点领悟。如果你没有式过粘土面膜的话,不妨考虑这款。

With love,
pei san 

Wednesday, October 22

Midweek Mask Talk: GARNIER Sakura White Pinkish Radiance Intensive Whitening Mask

Happy Deepavali, Ladies! Today, I have a short one for you out there. It's from the new Garnier Sakura White series. Before Garnier came out with this series, it has never cross my mind that sakura has any nutrient/benefit to us, human, apart from its beauty and fragrance. The truth is, these cherry blossoms are rich in antioxidants and they are also anti-inflammatory. And the most important benefit that is the key selling point of this product is its whitening effect.

屠妖节快乐!今天就来个简短的点评吧。这是Garnier新出的Sakura White 系列。在这之前,我从未想过樱花除了美和香以外,其实对人也有好处。事实是,樱花含有丰富的抗氧化成分,而且它可帮助消炎。最重要的也是这产品的头号卖点,就是它的美白功效。

But I did not realize any major whitening result after using it for one time. Though I have to give credit to Garnier for using such good quality material which allows the mask to fit perfectly to the face. And another good thing about this mask is that it does not leave the face feeling sticky after use. It also has a nice scent to it which goes for all the other product in the same series.

不过, 我用了一次后, 并没有发现有明显的美白效果。 虽然如此,我还是得给Garnier打星,他们采用的面膜品质很好,敷在脸上超合的。还有啊,用完以后,脸不会觉得粘粘的。面膜里淡淡的香味,还不错。

The mask is pink. 
The retail price is RM9.90 per piece. It's not the cheapest. And I think I would only repurchase it if I'm desperate and it is the only mask available on the rack. 


Have a good night rest everyone!

With love, 
pei san 

Wednesday, October 15

Midweek Mask Talk: LANEIGE Water Bank Double Moisture Mask

Our Mask Talk series would not be complete without this "power mask". (And no, this is not the last post for the series. There are too many masks in the market.) This mask is the one mask that every girl should have on standby. Any other mask can give you instant result for a couple hours but this particular one, can give you up to 48 hours of bouncy, soft skin. I've experienced it personally, even though they did not make such claim. 

咱们的面膜系列如果没有提到这款 “重量级” 面膜绝对不完整。(放心,这不是最后一篇,因为市场上真的有太多太多的面膜了) 这面膜可是每个女生家里,无时无刻, 一年365天都必须有一片来应付不时之需的。 市场上任何一款面膜用后都可以让皮肤呈现出即刻的效果, 可是Laneige 的这款呢,可以给予长达48小时的弹弹肌。 本人可是有身经体验哦 哈哈 

This "power mask" does what it say it does
The packaging is kept simple like any other Laneige products. Inside, the mask is folded properly and the white plastic with holes is what keeping the mask in place. Notice that the white plastic with holes is only half? Laneige has shows that little innovative like this help to save cost, material and most importantly, mother earth! It basically go to the rubbish bin anyway. As for the mask itself, the material fits like a second skin to the face. It's made out from natural cotton. There is also something extra for the bottom half of the face. It's double power for the chin and cheeks! 

皮面包装的设计都以简单利落为主,和其他Laneige 产品一样。 里面的面膜则是整齐地折着,中间有半片白色塑料隔着。只有半片哦! Laneige 还瞒有环保意识的,当然,这也是他们省钱、省成本的其中一招。那片白色的隔离塑料反正都是直接进垃圾桶的啦! 它面膜本身是天然棉制的,非常合身(脸)。下半边还有附多一层,所以脸颊和下巴有双层滋润哦!

The double layer mask is attached together at the bottom.
So, just put on the bigger layer first then fold the other half layer onto the cheeks and chin, then adjust.
The consistency of the essence is quite thick and it is advised to leave it on for 30 minutes for optimal result. After that, I will massage for a few minutes until the essence is almost dry. I practice the basic 5 step face massage for a more obvious V-shape face. It's pretty simple and you don't really need to make it into exactly 5 step. You can just go with the flow. 

精华液的质感比较粘, 面膜要放上30分钟才会有最佳效果。然后呢,我会慢慢按摩脸部直到剩下的精华液差不多干完。基本上我的按摩方式有五步,有瘦脸和提拉的作用,脸看起来更V。其实不一定要分五步,随心也可以。

As for the price, it is slightly more expensive than the others. Retail price is RM150 for 8 sheets, so it's RM18.75 each sheet. I got it from my trusty friend, Vanity Jo, who got it directly from Korea. It's RM12 per sheet. You can find a lot of other webstores selling it too. It's usually about RM10-12 per piece. So, it's still quite affordable. You can use it once in awhile then :)

至于它的价格嘛,会比较贵。市价是八片RM150, 所以一片大概是RM18.75。我是透过朋友Vanity Jo,从韩国买回来的。一片只要RM12。大家可以在很多网上商店找到,通常是RM10 到 RM12之间。其实还算瞒划的, 它的CP值高的。最多久久用一次好了 :) 

With love, 
pei san 

Monday, August 11

7-days challenge #3: BIORE UV Aqua Rich Whitening SPF 50 PA+++

It's been awhile since I did a 7 days challenge. Now, here's an exciting product to try. It's the No.1 sunblock brand in Japan. Previously, Jeannie did a full review on their UV Perfect Milk SPF 50 PA+++. Their sunblock comes in different consistency: water-based, gel-based and even face milk and mousse. They also have a wide range of formulation targeting any problem or needs of every Asian girl. There's whitening, brightening, water and sweat resistance, tinted sunblock etc. It all depends on your lifestyle and preference.

好久没玩七天大挑战了。今天带来了一个很棒的产品。它可是日本防晒排行第一的品牌哦!之前,Jeannie 也写了一篇关于他们家的UV Perfect Milk SPF 50 PA+++的点评。他们家推出的防晒有不同的质感,有水状的,胶装的,还有牛奶和摩丝装的。他们也有许多不同的配方来针对每个亚洲女生的各种问题和需求。有美白、提亮、防水、防汗和有色等等。大家应该依自己的生活方式和偏好来选择。
Here's what it looks like 
Day 1 - First application was pretty smooth. The white cream turns into a colorless watery cream. It also sinks in very fast. It's not greasy or sticky on the face, even after a few hours. 
Day 2 - I was in Sungai Lembing with my friends and we went hiking to the famous rainbow waterfall. So, it was the golden opportunity to test out this product. Even with all the sweating throughout the 1 hour hike, my face was not sticky or greasy. I almost forgot that I applied sunblock on my face. 
Day 3 - No breakout so far. No clogged pores too. No shiny disco face. 
Day 4 - I applied Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream on top of the sunblock and stays really well. It wasn't super oily and slippery. 
Day 5 - No major whitening of skin tone but it also didn't darken. So, it's a good news. 

第二天-刚好今天我和一班朋友到林明山去游玩。一大清早就爬上山看著名的彩虹瀑布, 爬了一个小时流了很多汗,可是也没觉得很粘或不舒服,几乎忘了自己有擦防晒。 
第四天-我擦了防晒后,擦了Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream。感觉不错,妆还瞒耐的,脸也不觉得特别油。

Fresh from the tube, it's a white cream but after you blend it out, it feels watery  
This is a chemical sunblock which absorbs sun rays to protect the skin. Unlike mineral sunblock which contains titanium oxide and zinc oxide, they deflect or block sun rays from damaging the skin. Chemical sunblock gives more coverage. Another thing that makes this sunblock so good is that Biore also added some skincare elements into the sunblock. It is said to contain natural Chamomile extract which helps to reduce the production of melanin and prevent age spots caused by sun damage. There's also some moisturizing agents in the product including Hyaluronic Acid and mix citrus essence. 

这款是化学防晒乳,它是将紫外线吸收然后以一种较低的能量形态释放出来,物理防晒是以氧化钛和氧化锌来将紫外线反射掉。化学防晒给于的保护制度较高。 这防晒还有的好处就是Biore在产品里也添加了一些保养元素。它含有有机菊花精华,有效帮助减少黑色素的产生,也可以预防黑斑。产品里也有玻尿酸和柑橘精华等保湿剂。 
The pointy head does keep things clean and easy
The sunblock has very light frangrance but it's not noticeable. I also like it because it does not have the yucky chemical sunblock smell that others have. The packaging is simple but thoughtful because the light plastic tube is convenient for travelling. The pointy head also keeps thing clean. The price to pay is RM32.90/33g. 


This, indeed, is one of the best sunblock in the market. 
With love, 
pei san 

Thursday, August 7

Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream in Pink Beige SPF 32 PA++

Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream 
Yes, we are talking about CC Cream today and it's gonna be quite a long post here...uh huh
I've been eyeing on this CC cream for a long long time and finally I decided to get it. I got the Holika Holika's CC Cream straight from Korea through my friend,Vanity Jo couple months ago. It's slightly cheaper than buying from their outlet. CC Cream is slightly different from BB Cream. The idea of Color Correction Cream is to enhance your complexion. It brightens up the skin, hides any dull or uneven skin tone and gives the skin a natural glow. CC Cream is often used to create the natural no-make-up make up look. The kind that you see on Korean actresses on TV. This is like the ultimate cheat code for girls haha

是的,我们今天谈的就是CC霜,而且今天的post还瞒长的哦。。其实我很早就盯上这只CC霜了。终于,上几个月前透过朋友,Vanity Jo,从韩国买来了, 它是比再马来西亚买便宜一点。 CC霜和BB霜不一样。CC霜是帮助改善肤色、提亮和遮盖不均匀肤色,好让皮肤看起来莹亮健康。CC霜是常常用来打造出自然裸妆的最佳良品, 所有韩国明星都靠它,它绝对是所有女生的最终诈计 哈哈

There's 2 color options for this product: 01 Pink Beige & 02 Natural Beige. Pink beige is designed to match skin with cool undertone. It also gives the face some pinkish tone. Natural Beige is meant for warm tone skin. It's normal for CC Cream to have limited color selection because CC Cream was invented by Asian. Generally, Asians have very fair skin and we prefer fair skin. It is said that fair skin can hide a women's ugliness of other parts.

这款CC霜有两个色调:01 粉白亮白色和 02 米白自然色。粉红肤色是专为冷色调肤色打造的。 它可以瞬间把皮肤提亮,而且让皮肤看起来比较粉嫩。自然肤色呢,是给暖色肤色的。CC霜通常都不会有太多的色调选择因为CC霜是我们亚洲人所发明的,而亚洲人的肤色都是偏白的, 我们也比较喜欢白细的皮肤,一白遮三丑嘛!

Originally, CC Cream is white when it's pump out from the tube as you can see from the photo. After blending it onto the skin, it turns beige. The CC Cream contains micro capsules which will burst and release the color when rubbed into the skin. The texture is very light and smooth on the skin. It's easy to blend and I only need 3 little drops for the whole face. The CC Cream instantly gives the skin looking glowing and radiant. It is very reflective to light so it is not suitable for oily skin. Because your face will look super shiny like a disco ball after a couple hours. Even for me, someone with combination skin, I find it hard to accept because even right after I apply it, my face kinda look greasy and super shiny. I still prefer matte finish. So, sometimes I'll apply some powder over. CC Cream can be used as a make up base also to boost up your skin complexion, which is what I like about it.

这CC霜挤出来的时候是白色的。用手搽在皮肤上,以打圈圈的手势,白色CC霜就会马上变自然色。这是因为CC霜里含有微小的胶囊,我们用手搽在脸上的时候会把它挤暴,然后胶囊里的色素就会跑出来。CC霜的质感非常柔顺、轻薄,非常容易推开,整张脸就只需三小滴。搽上CC霜之后,整张脸马上变得容光焕发。CC霜的光泽感非常强,所以不适合油性肌肤, 出油后它会让皮肤看起来更亮,像迪斯科球一样。即使搽在我的脸上我都觉得有点难以接受。 而且我只是混合肌耶!我搽完后就感觉脸又油又亮。我还是比较喜欢亚光自然的底妆。有时我会再打点粉上去。CC霜除了可以单用以外,也可以当妆前乳。皮肤会看起来更细嫩,我超喜欢的。

The CC cream appears to be white when pump out from the tube.
When it's blended/rub against the skin, it turns into beige. 
Generally, CC Cream's coverage is less compared to foundation and some BB cream. For Holika Holika's CC Cream, the coverage is light to medium. It does erase off redness but it's not so good at covering acne and 'recovering' acne which is usually darker. So, I still need some concealer on certain spot. Compared to Hera's CC Cream, coverage is lighter but it's heavier than iope's CC Cream. I've tried some sample of Hera's CC Cream and I loved it but it's just too expensive. If I'm not mistaken, it's RM140 for only 30ml. Here's the before and after photo. 

通常CC霜的遮霞力都不比粉底和BB霜强。Holika Holika的CC霜遮霞力是偏弱,遮痘痘没什么效,可是遮红斑就非常不错。搽了CC霜还是要用加点遮霞膏。相比起Hera的CC霜,Holika Holika的遮霞力比较弱,可是比iope的强一点。我之前试过了Hera的CC霜样本,还瞒喜欢的,可是太贵了。没记错的话,要RM140,而且只有30ml。

My bare face with some pimple scars here and there, especially on the cheeks.
I also have uneven skin tone. On the jaw line, my skin is darker and dull.
Skin on the cheeks are more sensitive and usually appear to be red. 
I got the shade 01 Pink Beige because I prefer to have slight hint of pink so that I don't look like a pale face ghost
As for the lasting power, Malaysia, there's no such thing as long lasting make up people!! Usually my make up just melt when I walk outside. So, unless you are in a air-conditioned room all the time, make up doesn't last. And with the assumption that we are in a air-conditioned room or Genting Highland or Cameron Highland, this CC Cream does last quite long. 


And it's not drying to the skin. They have added some moisturizing agent to the CC Cream. It claims that it contains 49% of moisturizing serum, which improved skin texture. It also contains bifida ferment lysate which is a kind of probiotic bacteria that helps to repairs skin cell. This is also the kind of bacteria that is used in the famous Lancome Genifique as DNA repairing agent. There are also some plant/flower extract like portulaca oleracea, Nymphaea alba (European White Waterlily leaf), Nymphaea caerulea (Blue Egyptian water lily leaf) and  lilium candidum (lily leaf). The CC Cream is mainly fats and clay which provide the 'body' to all the ingredients. But this also confirms that CC Cream is not for oily skin. Besides that, there's also coral and pearl powder in it. 

还有,它对皮肤一点都不会干,他们在CC霜里加了些保湿剂。据说,49%都是保湿精华,可提高皮肤质感。产品里也含有一种益生菌,叫bifida ferment lysate。它可帮助皮肤修饰细胞。这种益生菌也是著名专柜品牌Lancome Genifique里所用的主要基因修复成份。此外,产品里还一些植物/花类的精华,例如马齿苋、欧洲白睡莲、埃及蓝睡莲和莲花叶等。CC霜的主要成份还是脂肪类和黏土类,是所有成份的“支架”。这也肯定了一点,那就是CC霜不适合油性肌肤。产品里也添加了珊瑚粉和珍珠粉。

Another plus of this CC Cream is that is has SPF 32 PA++. The product comes in a tube like a toothpaste with a pump. No complain so far but I wonder how am I going to get the product out when there's only a little left. I tried to twist the pump to open the tube but it doesn't move. Probably because it's meant to keep the product in an air tight container, otherwise it will oxidize and become bad. CC Cream is amazing in transforming your complexion immediately. But the downside is, it does not give much coverage. I still have to touch up some trouble spots with concealer.

CC霜的另一个好处就是它也有防晒功能。 产品附有SPF 32 PA++。产品的包装有点像牙膏,开口是个唧筒。用了几个月,暂时没有任何不满,可是用到要完的时候不懂产品会不会挤不出来。我试过要把唧筒转开,可是不成功,应该是不能开的吧,是要避免产品接触到空气氧化掉。CC霜的魔力的确非凡,它可以瞬间转换肤色。可是,它的缺点就是,遮霞力差。我还是另外得用遮霞膏来补一下。

Holika Holika's CC Cream is quite affordable. I got it for RM75/50ml from my friend I mentioned earlier. I know they have it in the stores in Sunway Pyramid and Times Square but I'm not sure how much. And the amount of product you get is a lot. I don't know when am I going to finish this whole tube.

Holika Holika的CC霜不会很贵。我是拖朋友买的,网址在上面, 要RM75/50ml。我知道他们在Sunway Pyramid 和 Times Square都有专店可是就不知道价格是多少。这整只CC霜是50毫升,的确是不少,都不懂用到几时才会用完。

Now that everyone is familiar with CC Cream, the latest I've heard is that Julep came out with DD cream! "Dynamic Do-all" cream. We shall wait and see. 


With love, 
pei san 

Wednesday, August 6

Midweek Mask Talk: GARNIER Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask

Hi ladies, this week I've tried the old Garnier Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask. Which 3 in 1 you may ask. It's Scutellaria extract, pure lemon essence and Tanggula glacier water. As written on the back of the package, Scutellaria is a kind of mint, can reduce melanin production which helps to lighten the skin tone while the acidic pure lemon essence helps to remove dead skin cell and brightening. The highly nourishing  glacier water from Tanggula, Tibet, is to boost hydration and lock it in our skin cell. With all these 3 ingredients combined, the skin will be fairer, more radiant and hydrated. 

嗨,姐妹们!这星期试用的面膜有卡尼尔的Intensive三合一Whitening Essence Mask。哪三样呢? 就是黄苓,纯柠檬精华和唐古拉山冰川水。包装后面写着:黄苓是一种薄荷,可减少黑色素的产生,以帮助提亮肤色,而柠檬可帮助去除死皮和美白。那含有丰富矿物质的唐古拉山冰川水是补水和锁水。这三样成份混合在一起,皮肤会变得更白、更亮丽,也更保湿。

Here's my zombie looking mask face
So, here's my first impression. The fabric is very soft and it's quite hard to manage. The fitting is good. It does feel like a second skin. And the size of the mask is also adequate. But it dried out within 10 minutes which I think is because of 2 reasons: one, the absorption of the fabric is not as strong as other mask that I've used and; two, there is only 19ml of essence in the package. Whereas other mask usually has 25ml and some even has 30ml. As for the result, I'll let you be the judge. I have a before and after photo below which is taken at the same spot with the same lighting. 

我对这面膜的第一印象是布质很软、很贴,可是很难拿捏。大小刚刚好。不过,十分钟后就干透了。我觉得是因为两个原因: 一, 布质的吸水力较弱;二,面膜里只有19毫升的精华。 一般面膜都会有25毫升,一些甚至有30毫升。 至于它的功效呢,我就让你自己来评评吧!以下是我用前,用后的照片,都在同一个地方和同一种灯光下拍的。

Garnier actually recommends it to be used twice a week and the skin will appear fairer and more radiant day after day. Exactly how long you will need? I seriously don't know. I've tried 1 and I did not really notice any lightening of my skin tone. Anyway, it's RM7.90. Not the cheapest but still affordable. 


With love, 
pei san 

Wednesday, July 30

Midweek Mask Talk: NARUKO Rose & Botanic HA Aqua Cubic Hydrating Mask

This is the old packaging.
The new one is slightly different but the base color is still the same.
Here's another of my favorite mask from Naruko. It is also one of their most popular products and was nominated for Cite Cosme Beauty Awards last year. It's a lovely rose-scented deep hydration mask that can prevent dullness and give radiant complexion, as what they claims. I gotta admit that I'm a sucker for nice scent haha...But the scent does have therapeutic function, it really helps a lot in relaxation, which is one of the main reason I keep going for sheet mask. 

今天要给大家分享的是我的最爱之一, 它也是牛尔亲研的热卖产品,去年还获得了Cite Cosme Beauty Awards的提名。一打开包装,淡淡的玫瑰花香扑鼻而来。据说,面膜可给予深层保湿,让暗沉的皮肤焕然一新、明亮艳人。在这里,我必须想大家坦白,我是会被香味所吸引,我超爱香香的产品。。哈哈。。可是我觉得香味的确有治疗性效果,对放松身心很有帮助,也是我一直喜欢用这种面膜的原因。

Now, the real reason this mask is one of their best seller is the micro technology that used to transform the the essence into ultra-fine bio-active molecules that can easily penetrate through the skin cells into deeper layer and release its active energy. And of course the mask is full of awesome ingredients and their signature Phytoferulin. They not only pump hydration into the skin, they also lock in the moisture. And all the rose extract and essential oils, other plant extracts are for hydration, nourishment and anti-aging. But the most vital element is still the micro technology that is used for better absorption. 

它好卖的真正原因其实是因为牛尔亲研运用了微科技把精华变成超细微活性精华液,所以它的渗透性佳,可穿入皮肤深层释放它的活性能量,帮助后续保养及加乘上上妆效果。 而且,面膜里都是一级棒的成份,还有他们家独有的Phytoferulin。这些成份不但给予高效保湿,而且还帮助锁水。面膜里的多种玫瑰精华和精华油及其他植物精华都是给皮肤提供水分、滋养及帮助抗老。关键的还是微科技的贡献,好让皮肤吸收的更多。

Love the fabric of this mask!
Another important element that make a good mask is the fabric. For this mask, they used a thin and soft fabric for better absorption. The soft fabric was able to cover the skin without any air trapped in between. So, the skin is forced to absorb maximum level of goodness from the mask. The essence is watery but has a gel-like consistency. So, I do feel a bit sticky after using. 


By the way, Naruko has set up their flagship store in Penang Gurney Paragon Mall and Johor Bahru City Square Mall. If you stay nearby, lucky you! And lastly on this post, how much is this mask anyway? As usual, it is dirt cheap! Buy 1 box get 1 box free for RM59 so each is only RM2.95. Link is here

还有,顺便告诉大家,Naruko在槟城Gurney Paragon Mall和新山City Square Mall都开了自己的专卖店。住在槟城和新山的朋友们,你们真幸运啊!Post到了尾声,大家都想知道这面膜到底多少钱对吗?我跟你们讲,超便宜的! 买一盒送一盒,只售RM59,所以一片只要RM2.95. 网址就在此

Thanks for reading! Till next time :)

With love, 
pei san