Wednesday, August 6

Midweek Mask Talk: GARNIER Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask

Hi ladies, this week I've tried the old Garnier Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask. Which 3 in 1 you may ask. It's Scutellaria extract, pure lemon essence and Tanggula glacier water. As written on the back of the package, Scutellaria is a kind of mint, can reduce melanin production which helps to lighten the skin tone while the acidic pure lemon essence helps to remove dead skin cell and brightening. The highly nourishing  glacier water from Tanggula, Tibet, is to boost hydration and lock it in our skin cell. With all these 3 ingredients combined, the skin will be fairer, more radiant and hydrated. 

嗨,姐妹们!这星期试用的面膜有卡尼尔的Intensive三合一Whitening Essence Mask。哪三样呢? 就是黄苓,纯柠檬精华和唐古拉山冰川水。包装后面写着:黄苓是一种薄荷,可减少黑色素的产生,以帮助提亮肤色,而柠檬可帮助去除死皮和美白。那含有丰富矿物质的唐古拉山冰川水是补水和锁水。这三样成份混合在一起,皮肤会变得更白、更亮丽,也更保湿。

Here's my zombie looking mask face
So, here's my first impression. The fabric is very soft and it's quite hard to manage. The fitting is good. It does feel like a second skin. And the size of the mask is also adequate. But it dried out within 10 minutes which I think is because of 2 reasons: one, the absorption of the fabric is not as strong as other mask that I've used and; two, there is only 19ml of essence in the package. Whereas other mask usually has 25ml and some even has 30ml. As for the result, I'll let you be the judge. I have a before and after photo below which is taken at the same spot with the same lighting. 

我对这面膜的第一印象是布质很软、很贴,可是很难拿捏。大小刚刚好。不过,十分钟后就干透了。我觉得是因为两个原因: 一, 布质的吸水力较弱;二,面膜里只有19毫升的精华。 一般面膜都会有25毫升,一些甚至有30毫升。 至于它的功效呢,我就让你自己来评评吧!以下是我用前,用后的照片,都在同一个地方和同一种灯光下拍的。

Garnier actually recommends it to be used twice a week and the skin will appear fairer and more radiant day after day. Exactly how long you will need? I seriously don't know. I've tried 1 and I did not really notice any lightening of my skin tone. Anyway, it's RM7.90. Not the cheapest but still affordable. 


With love, 
pei san 

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