Thursday, June 5

ORGANIC AID Vitamin E Moisturizing Scrub Cream

Organic Aid ® organic? 
Here's a not-so-organic organic product. The brand of the product is called Organic Aid. Notice the ® symbol? It means that the preceding word is registered. Why is it named Organic Aid? I have no idea but it sure leads me into thinking that they specialize in producing organic products but the funny thing is that none of their product is labeled "organic" or "made with organic ingredients" or "non-GMO". Normally, manufacturers/sellers of organic product will use this as their strength for marketing. Your definitely won't miss the word "organic" on the packaging. There's not much information about the brand and their manufacturing process online either. 

今天在这里要给大家讲的是这款不是有机的有机产品。牌子是有机。看到那个 ® 的标签吗? 那表示那字体是注册商标。为什么是叫 Organic Aid 呢?我也不懂。可是我的第一直觉就是它是出产有机产品的,不过好笑的是产品上没有任何有机标签。通常出产商都会用“有机” 为宣传要点,包装上绝对不会少了“有机” 的字。可惜网上也没什么关于他们品牌和制造过程的资料。

It only says that it contains pure Vitamin E from wheatgerm oil and they use pure wheat. But is it organic wheat or genetically modified wheat? I don't know. FYI, it also contains paraben as preservative. 

罐子上只说明产品里含有小麦胚芽油里的纯维他命E,而他们用的是纯麦。可是, 却没说明是有机麦还是基因改造成的品种。我真的不懂。 也顺便告诉大家产品里含有尼泊金防腐剂。

The texture of the scrub cream is quite mild. The particulars are quite fine and it is not drying to the skin. No doubt, it does get the job done.

Can you see the small particulars of the Organic Aid Vitamin E Moisturizing Scrub Cream?
However, I feel that it's a little bit pricey because it's RM26.90 for 28 grams. Personally, I feel cheated by it's brand name. I thought it's an organic product. Secondly, I feel cheated because I paid RM26.90 for this product which is just some average scrub that does not do anything extraordinary to your skin. Wasted my money here :( That's why everyone should read the labels before purchasing something.

可惜,我觉得它实在太贵了,28克要RM26.90。我已经觉得被它的牌子的名字骗了一轮,本来以为它是有机产品, 然后又要复这么多钱买一瓶普普通通的去角质膏,用完也没什么特别。真是浪费我的钱 :(  所以大家应该在购买任何产品前先读读标签。

With love, 
pei san 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmmm. How long did u use the scrub?I love organic aid Vitamin E oil but never tried their other far my dry skin is healing and it gives a nice glow. The oil is so thick, I often take a tea spoon of the oil and mix it with my favorite body lotion or cream scrub.

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