Sunday, December 15

ROSKEN Skin Repair Dry Skin Lotion

Hi guys, sorry for the lag of post lately. I'm trying out some new products lately and it's gonna take awhile before I can really write a review. I got a new serum from Pure, a milk cleanser from Nivea and I also got their new skin conditioner. Oh I'm also trying out the new L'oreal hair serum. Just gimme a little bit more time, will u? It's still too early to tell if the products works or not and I don't want to just rush out a review without truly "experiencing" the products. That would be CHEATING actually. Hope you guys understand. :) 

嗨!首先我想对大家说声抱歉,因为最近的post少了很多。我正试着一些新产品,需要再观察一段时间后才可以给大家点评。我在用着Pure的一支新精华乳,Nivea的洗面奶,还有他们家的新润肤乳。 Oh 我也在试着L'oreal 新的护发精华素。再给我多一点时间好吗? 我需要再试多一段日子才可以试出它们的效果,而且如果我草草了事的话, 那我启不是在欺骗大家吗? 请大家多多包涵。 :)

Rosken Skin Repair Dry Skin Lotion 250ml
Well, for today, let's talk about this awesome lotion from the drugstore. This is one of the gems in the drugstore that everyone should have one at home. It's a very "friendly" product that can be shared for the entire family. And I believe a lot of you already know how awesome this product is. But I can't help it, I must honor this product a review post on my blog. 

Rosken was founded by two Australian pharmacists. From a local household product, they grew to become a national pride of the Australians then Parke Davis came in to bought Rosken over...and now, their products are available internationally. Yeay for that! Basically, (in my opinion) by knowing that Rosken is an Australian brand would give you the idea of how "reliable" this product would be. They're very particular about body moisturizers because their weather, especially during the winters, are very dry. It's important that they use something which guarantee to moisture their skin and avoid cracking skin. 

今天要给大家介绍的产品是这支超赞的开架式护肤乳。它真的是开架式场当中的宝石, 每个家庭都必须拥有它, 大小供用。我相信大家都已经知道这产品的"好料"之处了, 可是我还是忍不住了。我觉得我必须给这产品一个post的荣誉。

Rosken 是两位澳大利亚的药剂师发启的。他们从小小的本地家用产品发展成了他们国民的骄傲,然后Parke Davis就买了Rosken。。。现在,他们家的产品已被散发到世界各地, 真的太棒了! 基本上,(以本人的想法)单凭Rosken是个澳大利亚牌子就可以断定这产品的可靠度。澳大利亚人对润肤乳非常讲究,因为他们那儿的天气,尤其是在冬天的时候,是非常干燥的, 所以他们需要非常滋润的护肤乳来避免皮肤裂开。

The major thing that I like about this product is its formula. It has a watery consistency which makes it easy to apply, unlike body butter. It is also not greasy or sticky. Apart from that, the watery consistency also allows better absorption into the skin. Despite the higher percentage of water in the product, it is also very nourishing. I always have patches of flaky, itchy skin on both my upper arms. After using this, my skin has improved. Rosken have also published their clinical result on their website which tells the world how confident they are about their product. The lotion is also enriched with Vitamin E which is a well known antioxidant that protects the skin from environmental damages like UV rays. 

One thing I don't like about the products is the powdery scent. Scent is pretty personal I have to say. So this is just my personal opinion. And the packaging is very boring and unattractive like any other pharmaceutical products. For those who don't know about Rosken, they would just move pass them on the shelves and go for something more known to the public like Nivea because they see their advertisement on TV all the time. I know they usually say when you have a awesome product, you won't need to spent much on advertising and publicity because word of mouth is more effective. However, this isn't the real case in Malaysia. I mean, there aren't many beauty gurus or youtubers from Malaysia compared to the states and there's still a lot of people who do not have access to internet or some do but they still do not know how to utilize the wonder of the internet for their benefit in life. It is undeniable that TV and radio advertising still have major, or maybe highest, influential power towards Malaysians, especially for many housewives who are aged 40 and above, and who are not proficient in English. Hence, I think Rosken (or the local distributor/dealers) should "invest" some resources into publicity. So that more people can benefit from this product. This is also the reason that I'm writing this review about this lotion. 

我非常喜欢这产品的一点是它的配方。它的质感水水的,很容易涂,不像润肤膏。它也不会太油腻、也不会粘。除此之外, 它水水的配方使皮肤更容易吸收。尽管产品里的水分多高,它还是很滋润。 我的双手的上半部常常会有一块块干燥、起皮的部分。我用了这产品后,皮肤都好很多了。 Rosken也有在他们的网页上登载产品的临床试验结果。看来他们真的对自己的产品非常有信心。这产品也含有维他命E,是著名的抗氧成份,可保护皮肤不受外来的侵害,例如:紫外线等。

我不喜欢产品的一点是它那粉粉的香味。其实香味是很主观的, 所以这也是我个人的看法。还有,产品的包装很乏味,像一般药方产品,没有吸引力。对于那些不认识Rosken的朋友们来说,他们很可能就会忽略了它而选择一些家喻户晓的牌子Nivea,因为他们会常在电视上看到Nivea的广告。他们常说,好料不许搞宣传,只须靠人(人传人)。可惜,马来西亚是例外的。 和美国相比起来, 本地的美容大师和youtubers都比较少。再加上我国还有很多人都没有上网的机会;如果有,很多也不懂得怎么去好好地运用它。无可否认, 电视和电台广告的影响力在本地是非常高的,甚至可以说是最大的,尤其是多许多四十岁以上的家庭主妇和一些不精通英语的人。于是,我觉得Rosken (或是本地批发商/代理人)应该在投资在宣传上, 好让更多的人受益。 这也是我写这点评的原因。

This product can be found in all major pharmacies and departmental stores. They always have promotion and discounts for Rosken products. I got mine in a twin pack and it also comes with a lotion which I have never seen before. All for about RM50+ or maybe RM60. Sorry I can't remember the price. I got it long time ago. I am now half way through my second tub. Besides this orange range, they also have the Dry Skin CREAM range which is in blue. It is said that the cream can double the moisture level in out skin in just 4 days. Sounds amazing isn't it? Maybe I should try that next. The normal price for both range is RM29.90/250ml (the tub). 

I know many girls have a lot of scars and marks on their legs, like mosquito bites or from a fall or cut, you can also try their High Potency Vitamin E Cream enriched with Shea and Cocoa Butter. It comes in a long squeezing tube which is RM26.90/100g. I've never tried it because I don't think I need such a high potency product. It's also a little bit more expensive compared to the others. Give it a try if you have a lot of scar and mark to erase. 

这产品可以在各大药房和百货公司找到。他们也常有折扣。我是趁大促销的时候买了双包装的, 它还附送了一瓶我在本地没看过的护肤乳。如果我没记错的话,售价应该是RM50多吧,也可能是大约RM60。 实在是太久了,我也不记得了。我已经在用这第二瓶的一半了。 他们除了有这款橙色的系列,还有蓝色的Dry Skin CREAM。 据说,这Cream可以在四天内另皮肤的水份含量加倍。听起来非常棒吧?也许我应该试一试。两个系列的价格都是RM29.90/250ml (图里的包装)。

我知道许多女生双腿都有很多疤痕,像蚊子咬的或是跌倒割伤留下的,你们都应该试试他们家的High Potency Vitamin E Cream enriched with Shea and Cocoa Butter。售价是RM26.90/100个。我是没有试过,因为我不觉得自己需要那么高效力的产品。这款比其他的贵一点。不过,大家不妨一试。

With love, 
pei san 

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