Thursday, August 7

Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream in Pink Beige SPF 32 PA++

Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream 
Yes, we are talking about CC Cream today and it's gonna be quite a long post here...uh huh
I've been eyeing on this CC cream for a long long time and finally I decided to get it. I got the Holika Holika's CC Cream straight from Korea through my friend,Vanity Jo couple months ago. It's slightly cheaper than buying from their outlet. CC Cream is slightly different from BB Cream. The idea of Color Correction Cream is to enhance your complexion. It brightens up the skin, hides any dull or uneven skin tone and gives the skin a natural glow. CC Cream is often used to create the natural no-make-up make up look. The kind that you see on Korean actresses on TV. This is like the ultimate cheat code for girls haha

是的,我们今天谈的就是CC霜,而且今天的post还瞒长的哦。。其实我很早就盯上这只CC霜了。终于,上几个月前透过朋友,Vanity Jo,从韩国买来了, 它是比再马来西亚买便宜一点。 CC霜和BB霜不一样。CC霜是帮助改善肤色、提亮和遮盖不均匀肤色,好让皮肤看起来莹亮健康。CC霜是常常用来打造出自然裸妆的最佳良品, 所有韩国明星都靠它,它绝对是所有女生的最终诈计 哈哈

There's 2 color options for this product: 01 Pink Beige & 02 Natural Beige. Pink beige is designed to match skin with cool undertone. It also gives the face some pinkish tone. Natural Beige is meant for warm tone skin. It's normal for CC Cream to have limited color selection because CC Cream was invented by Asian. Generally, Asians have very fair skin and we prefer fair skin. It is said that fair skin can hide a women's ugliness of other parts.

这款CC霜有两个色调:01 粉白亮白色和 02 米白自然色。粉红肤色是专为冷色调肤色打造的。 它可以瞬间把皮肤提亮,而且让皮肤看起来比较粉嫩。自然肤色呢,是给暖色肤色的。CC霜通常都不会有太多的色调选择因为CC霜是我们亚洲人所发明的,而亚洲人的肤色都是偏白的, 我们也比较喜欢白细的皮肤,一白遮三丑嘛!

Originally, CC Cream is white when it's pump out from the tube as you can see from the photo. After blending it onto the skin, it turns beige. The CC Cream contains micro capsules which will burst and release the color when rubbed into the skin. The texture is very light and smooth on the skin. It's easy to blend and I only need 3 little drops for the whole face. The CC Cream instantly gives the skin looking glowing and radiant. It is very reflective to light so it is not suitable for oily skin. Because your face will look super shiny like a disco ball after a couple hours. Even for me, someone with combination skin, I find it hard to accept because even right after I apply it, my face kinda look greasy and super shiny. I still prefer matte finish. So, sometimes I'll apply some powder over. CC Cream can be used as a make up base also to boost up your skin complexion, which is what I like about it.

这CC霜挤出来的时候是白色的。用手搽在皮肤上,以打圈圈的手势,白色CC霜就会马上变自然色。这是因为CC霜里含有微小的胶囊,我们用手搽在脸上的时候会把它挤暴,然后胶囊里的色素就会跑出来。CC霜的质感非常柔顺、轻薄,非常容易推开,整张脸就只需三小滴。搽上CC霜之后,整张脸马上变得容光焕发。CC霜的光泽感非常强,所以不适合油性肌肤, 出油后它会让皮肤看起来更亮,像迪斯科球一样。即使搽在我的脸上我都觉得有点难以接受。 而且我只是混合肌耶!我搽完后就感觉脸又油又亮。我还是比较喜欢亚光自然的底妆。有时我会再打点粉上去。CC霜除了可以单用以外,也可以当妆前乳。皮肤会看起来更细嫩,我超喜欢的。

The CC cream appears to be white when pump out from the tube.
When it's blended/rub against the skin, it turns into beige. 
Generally, CC Cream's coverage is less compared to foundation and some BB cream. For Holika Holika's CC Cream, the coverage is light to medium. It does erase off redness but it's not so good at covering acne and 'recovering' acne which is usually darker. So, I still need some concealer on certain spot. Compared to Hera's CC Cream, coverage is lighter but it's heavier than iope's CC Cream. I've tried some sample of Hera's CC Cream and I loved it but it's just too expensive. If I'm not mistaken, it's RM140 for only 30ml. Here's the before and after photo. 

通常CC霜的遮霞力都不比粉底和BB霜强。Holika Holika的CC霜遮霞力是偏弱,遮痘痘没什么效,可是遮红斑就非常不错。搽了CC霜还是要用加点遮霞膏。相比起Hera的CC霜,Holika Holika的遮霞力比较弱,可是比iope的强一点。我之前试过了Hera的CC霜样本,还瞒喜欢的,可是太贵了。没记错的话,要RM140,而且只有30ml。

My bare face with some pimple scars here and there, especially on the cheeks.
I also have uneven skin tone. On the jaw line, my skin is darker and dull.
Skin on the cheeks are more sensitive and usually appear to be red. 
I got the shade 01 Pink Beige because I prefer to have slight hint of pink so that I don't look like a pale face ghost
As for the lasting power, Malaysia, there's no such thing as long lasting make up people!! Usually my make up just melt when I walk outside. So, unless you are in a air-conditioned room all the time, make up doesn't last. And with the assumption that we are in a air-conditioned room or Genting Highland or Cameron Highland, this CC Cream does last quite long. 


And it's not drying to the skin. They have added some moisturizing agent to the CC Cream. It claims that it contains 49% of moisturizing serum, which improved skin texture. It also contains bifida ferment lysate which is a kind of probiotic bacteria that helps to repairs skin cell. This is also the kind of bacteria that is used in the famous Lancome Genifique as DNA repairing agent. There are also some plant/flower extract like portulaca oleracea, Nymphaea alba (European White Waterlily leaf), Nymphaea caerulea (Blue Egyptian water lily leaf) and  lilium candidum (lily leaf). The CC Cream is mainly fats and clay which provide the 'body' to all the ingredients. But this also confirms that CC Cream is not for oily skin. Besides that, there's also coral and pearl powder in it. 

还有,它对皮肤一点都不会干,他们在CC霜里加了些保湿剂。据说,49%都是保湿精华,可提高皮肤质感。产品里也含有一种益生菌,叫bifida ferment lysate。它可帮助皮肤修饰细胞。这种益生菌也是著名专柜品牌Lancome Genifique里所用的主要基因修复成份。此外,产品里还一些植物/花类的精华,例如马齿苋、欧洲白睡莲、埃及蓝睡莲和莲花叶等。CC霜的主要成份还是脂肪类和黏土类,是所有成份的“支架”。这也肯定了一点,那就是CC霜不适合油性肌肤。产品里也添加了珊瑚粉和珍珠粉。

Another plus of this CC Cream is that is has SPF 32 PA++. The product comes in a tube like a toothpaste with a pump. No complain so far but I wonder how am I going to get the product out when there's only a little left. I tried to twist the pump to open the tube but it doesn't move. Probably because it's meant to keep the product in an air tight container, otherwise it will oxidize and become bad. CC Cream is amazing in transforming your complexion immediately. But the downside is, it does not give much coverage. I still have to touch up some trouble spots with concealer.

CC霜的另一个好处就是它也有防晒功能。 产品附有SPF 32 PA++。产品的包装有点像牙膏,开口是个唧筒。用了几个月,暂时没有任何不满,可是用到要完的时候不懂产品会不会挤不出来。我试过要把唧筒转开,可是不成功,应该是不能开的吧,是要避免产品接触到空气氧化掉。CC霜的魔力的确非凡,它可以瞬间转换肤色。可是,它的缺点就是,遮霞力差。我还是另外得用遮霞膏来补一下。

Holika Holika's CC Cream is quite affordable. I got it for RM75/50ml from my friend I mentioned earlier. I know they have it in the stores in Sunway Pyramid and Times Square but I'm not sure how much. And the amount of product you get is a lot. I don't know when am I going to finish this whole tube.

Holika Holika的CC霜不会很贵。我是拖朋友买的,网址在上面, 要RM75/50ml。我知道他们在Sunway Pyramid 和 Times Square都有专店可是就不知道价格是多少。这整只CC霜是50毫升,的确是不少,都不懂用到几时才会用完。

Now that everyone is familiar with CC Cream, the latest I've heard is that Julep came out with DD cream! "Dynamic Do-all" cream. We shall wait and see. 


With love, 
pei san 

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