Saturday, November 16

First impression #2: NRK All-in-one High Potency Moisturizer

Last week, I purchased a few things from They're having buy 1 free 1 promotion for their sheet mask and some other discounts as well. Their service was really fast. I really loved it! I also got this new product that they have from NRK. It's a new concept in skincare. It's called the All-in-One High Potency Moisturizer. It basically equals to your toner, serum and moisturizer but in 1 bottle. It contains Hyaluronic Acid and cucumber extract (hydration), honey extract and shea butter (nourishment), uva ursi and litchi extract (anti-aging), elderberry flower and cactus extract (soothing). Based on their website, it has 9 benefits to the skin. 
1. Moisturizing 2. Moist-retaining 3. Soothing 4. Recuperate 
5. Restore radiant 6. Elasticity 7. Anti Aging 8. Repairing 9. Protecting. 

上个星期,我从买了一些东西。他们现在正举办着卖一送一面膜大出销,其他产品也有折扣。他们的服务很好,很快就收到产品了,真的爱死他们了!除了买面膜,我也买了这瓶新的一步搞定全效保湿素。它一瓶就等于化妆水,精华素和护肤乳。 它含有玻尿酸和小黄瓜萃取(保湿),蜂蜜萃取和乳木果油(滋养), 熊果叶和荔枝萃取(抗老),接骨木花和仙人掌茎萃取(舒缓)。根据他们的网站,这产品有九大功能。 
1. 保湿 2. 锁水 3. 舒缓 4. 滋润
5. 修护 6. 弹性 7. 抗老 8. 紧緻 9. 防护

The product is a clear, colorless liquid which is quite thick. But once it is apply to the skin and make contact with heat, the consistency becomes lighter. The texture is like toner. Basically, 3 drops will cover the whole face. And surprisingly, it's very hydrating and nourishing. My pores appear smaller after application. And I realize my skin produces less oil. When the oil gland sense that the surface of the skin is dry, it will automatically produces more oil to keep the skin moist. In other words, my skin is less oily means it's perfectly hydrated. So, this is how I know that my skin is hydrated or not. 

保湿素是无色的液体,质体还瞒厚的。 可是,当把这保湿素擦在皮肤上,接触到皮肤的温度时,它就会变得比较稀。质感就像普通的化妆水。基本上,3滴就足够擦完整张脸。更令人出奇的是它的保湿度非常高,也很滋润。我的毛孔明显地缩小了。我也发觉皮肤少出油。当皮肤底层的油腺感到皮肤表皮很干的时候,它就会产生油质来保护皮肤。换句话来说,我的皮肤没有那么油是因为它有充分的水分。 这是我用来断定皮肤是否有充足的水分。

Love the packaging as well. It's light and spill-free. Good for travelling. I don't need to carry a whole bag full of products anymore! Oh and it's super cheap, only RM29/150ml. 
I highly recommend this to teenagers who are just starting to take up the habit of protecting your skin or who doesn't have so much money to spend on skincare and people like me who are on the go all the time


With love, 
pei san 

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