Monday, August 11

7-days challenge #3: BIORE UV Aqua Rich Whitening SPF 50 PA+++

It's been awhile since I did a 7 days challenge. Now, here's an exciting product to try. It's the No.1 sunblock brand in Japan. Previously, Jeannie did a full review on their UV Perfect Milk SPF 50 PA+++. Their sunblock comes in different consistency: water-based, gel-based and even face milk and mousse. They also have a wide range of formulation targeting any problem or needs of every Asian girl. There's whitening, brightening, water and sweat resistance, tinted sunblock etc. It all depends on your lifestyle and preference.

好久没玩七天大挑战了。今天带来了一个很棒的产品。它可是日本防晒排行第一的品牌哦!之前,Jeannie 也写了一篇关于他们家的UV Perfect Milk SPF 50 PA+++的点评。他们家推出的防晒有不同的质感,有水状的,胶装的,还有牛奶和摩丝装的。他们也有许多不同的配方来针对每个亚洲女生的各种问题和需求。有美白、提亮、防水、防汗和有色等等。大家应该依自己的生活方式和偏好来选择。
Here's what it looks like 
Day 1 - First application was pretty smooth. The white cream turns into a colorless watery cream. It also sinks in very fast. It's not greasy or sticky on the face, even after a few hours. 
Day 2 - I was in Sungai Lembing with my friends and we went hiking to the famous rainbow waterfall. So, it was the golden opportunity to test out this product. Even with all the sweating throughout the 1 hour hike, my face was not sticky or greasy. I almost forgot that I applied sunblock on my face. 
Day 3 - No breakout so far. No clogged pores too. No shiny disco face. 
Day 4 - I applied Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream on top of the sunblock and stays really well. It wasn't super oily and slippery. 
Day 5 - No major whitening of skin tone but it also didn't darken. So, it's a good news. 

第二天-刚好今天我和一班朋友到林明山去游玩。一大清早就爬上山看著名的彩虹瀑布, 爬了一个小时流了很多汗,可是也没觉得很粘或不舒服,几乎忘了自己有擦防晒。 
第四天-我擦了防晒后,擦了Holika Holika Face 2 Change CC Cream。感觉不错,妆还瞒耐的,脸也不觉得特别油。

Fresh from the tube, it's a white cream but after you blend it out, it feels watery  
This is a chemical sunblock which absorbs sun rays to protect the skin. Unlike mineral sunblock which contains titanium oxide and zinc oxide, they deflect or block sun rays from damaging the skin. Chemical sunblock gives more coverage. Another thing that makes this sunblock so good is that Biore also added some skincare elements into the sunblock. It is said to contain natural Chamomile extract which helps to reduce the production of melanin and prevent age spots caused by sun damage. There's also some moisturizing agents in the product including Hyaluronic Acid and mix citrus essence. 

这款是化学防晒乳,它是将紫外线吸收然后以一种较低的能量形态释放出来,物理防晒是以氧化钛和氧化锌来将紫外线反射掉。化学防晒给于的保护制度较高。 这防晒还有的好处就是Biore在产品里也添加了一些保养元素。它含有有机菊花精华,有效帮助减少黑色素的产生,也可以预防黑斑。产品里也有玻尿酸和柑橘精华等保湿剂。 
The pointy head does keep things clean and easy
The sunblock has very light frangrance but it's not noticeable. I also like it because it does not have the yucky chemical sunblock smell that others have. The packaging is simple but thoughtful because the light plastic tube is convenient for travelling. The pointy head also keeps thing clean. The price to pay is RM32.90/33g. 


This, indeed, is one of the best sunblock in the market. 
With love, 
pei san 

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