Wednesday, October 15

Midweek Mask Talk: LANEIGE Water Bank Double Moisture Mask

Our Mask Talk series would not be complete without this "power mask". (And no, this is not the last post for the series. There are too many masks in the market.) This mask is the one mask that every girl should have on standby. Any other mask can give you instant result for a couple hours but this particular one, can give you up to 48 hours of bouncy, soft skin. I've experienced it personally, even though they did not make such claim. 

咱们的面膜系列如果没有提到这款 “重量级” 面膜绝对不完整。(放心,这不是最后一篇,因为市场上真的有太多太多的面膜了) 这面膜可是每个女生家里,无时无刻, 一年365天都必须有一片来应付不时之需的。 市场上任何一款面膜用后都可以让皮肤呈现出即刻的效果, 可是Laneige 的这款呢,可以给予长达48小时的弹弹肌。 本人可是有身经体验哦 哈哈 

This "power mask" does what it say it does
The packaging is kept simple like any other Laneige products. Inside, the mask is folded properly and the white plastic with holes is what keeping the mask in place. Notice that the white plastic with holes is only half? Laneige has shows that little innovative like this help to save cost, material and most importantly, mother earth! It basically go to the rubbish bin anyway. As for the mask itself, the material fits like a second skin to the face. It's made out from natural cotton. There is also something extra for the bottom half of the face. It's double power for the chin and cheeks! 

皮面包装的设计都以简单利落为主,和其他Laneige 产品一样。 里面的面膜则是整齐地折着,中间有半片白色塑料隔着。只有半片哦! Laneige 还瞒有环保意识的,当然,这也是他们省钱、省成本的其中一招。那片白色的隔离塑料反正都是直接进垃圾桶的啦! 它面膜本身是天然棉制的,非常合身(脸)。下半边还有附多一层,所以脸颊和下巴有双层滋润哦!

The double layer mask is attached together at the bottom.
So, just put on the bigger layer first then fold the other half layer onto the cheeks and chin, then adjust.
The consistency of the essence is quite thick and it is advised to leave it on for 30 minutes for optimal result. After that, I will massage for a few minutes until the essence is almost dry. I practice the basic 5 step face massage for a more obvious V-shape face. It's pretty simple and you don't really need to make it into exactly 5 step. You can just go with the flow. 

精华液的质感比较粘, 面膜要放上30分钟才会有最佳效果。然后呢,我会慢慢按摩脸部直到剩下的精华液差不多干完。基本上我的按摩方式有五步,有瘦脸和提拉的作用,脸看起来更V。其实不一定要分五步,随心也可以。

As for the price, it is slightly more expensive than the others. Retail price is RM150 for 8 sheets, so it's RM18.75 each sheet. I got it from my trusty friend, Vanity Jo, who got it directly from Korea. It's RM12 per sheet. You can find a lot of other webstores selling it too. It's usually about RM10-12 per piece. So, it's still quite affordable. You can use it once in awhile then :)

至于它的价格嘛,会比较贵。市价是八片RM150, 所以一片大概是RM18.75。我是透过朋友Vanity Jo,从韩国买回来的。一片只要RM12。大家可以在很多网上商店找到,通常是RM10 到 RM12之间。其实还算瞒划的, 它的CP值高的。最多久久用一次好了 :) 

With love, 
pei san 

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