Saturday, July 26

Midweek Mask Talk: NARUKO Taiwan Magnolia Brightening and Firming Mask EX

A thousand apologizes for the late post this week. Midweek has become weekend and I'm really sorry about it. Work has been crazy and my week was too hectic. I did sneak time for mask but did not have time to blog about it. So I guess everyone is preparing for Raya holiday now? Some are already at your holiday destination I believe. Wherever you are, I'm very sure you want to look the best. Now here's something that can give you a quick fix. 

我郑重地向大家道歉,这个礼拜的post严重地迟了!真的很对不起,最近工作真的太忙了。还好我有时间敷面膜,只不过没有时间写blog。 现在大家应该都在享受着开斋节假日吧? 相信很多都已经到达了假期的目的地对吗? 无论你在哪儿,都会想呈献出自己最好的一面,这里我要给大家分享一个急救的良品。

This mask from Naruko's Taiwan Magnolia Series is actually for aging skin. It repair, brighten and firm the skin. I believe in starting up early in anti-aging. I'm in my quarter life so it is time to have some precaution. 
Staying up late does affect our skin complexion a bit at the next day. My skin is always a drama queen in this department. Usually after a late night, my skin will become dull and dead the next day and it will last a few days. This piss me off! It actually made me think twice before deciding whether to go clubbin' or not. I have to weigh my sacrifices which is really sad. 

这款牛尔亲研的台湾白玉兰系列专针对熟龄肌。它可修复、提亮和拉紧皮肤。本人相信抗老是越早越好,我现在都已经二十五岁了,是时候开始做些预防措施。常常熬夜不睡觉会影响肤质,第二天就马上见效。 我的皮肤绝对是“超级戏剧女王”, 反应是超大、超明显的, 而且还会持续几天呢!就因为这样,朋友约去夜店之前我都会犹豫不绝。

Okay, my point is staying up late means our body is unable to rest and detox properly and hence, our skin becomes dull and it ages faster than normal. So, this mask actually hits all the spot. After using it, I only notice slight brightening effect, don't expect it to work like a magic. That is abnormal. Don't forget it's only 15 minutes on our skin. The essence of this mask is white in color and the ingredient list is as shown for those who are interested. It mainly contains a lot of plant/flower extract. There's also shea butter in it. I'm quite surprise about this though. There's also a special ingredient called Phytoferulin. This is an exclusive ingredient owned by Naruko and used in all their products which enhances the skin's natural defense system against external harmful elements. It is created using 11 types of plant extract and is certified by ECOCERT.

ok 我要说的是,熬夜会导致身体无法好好休息和拍毒,所以肤色会暗淡,皮肤老化的速度会更快,而这款面膜刚好就是针对这几个问题。我用完后,发现只有少少的提亮效果,请大家别期望这面膜会像变魔术一样,那时不寻常的,别忘记它只有15分钟的时间来滋润我们的皮肤哦! 面膜里的精华是白色的。所有成份都列入在以下照片里。主要的有很多种植物/花类的精华。面膜里还有乳木果油,看到它我的确很惊讶。还有一种独特的成份就是Phytoferulin,牛尔亲研独有的成份,结合了十一种植物精华,也经ECOCERT认证。

Now, from the photos, I'm sure you have notice that this mask is a bit different. It has ears and some extras at the bottom. Basically just place the mask as usual and then stretch the fabric a bit and bring the sides to hook on your ears. Then, do the same for the bottom piece.

从照片大家应该都看得出这款面膜的设计与众不同。 它有多余的“耳朵”, 下面还有多余的一块。用法基本上是和普通面膜一样的。只需将面膜敷在脸上,然后顺着拉,拉到耳朵边钩住,下巴的部分也一样。看看以下照片就懂了。


Apart from the ingredients, the fabric of the mask plays a vital role too. It provides the support for firming. The fabric of the mask is quite thick and this allows it to be stretch nicely to the sides. There's tonnes of firming mask out there and some are just normal sheet mask that does nothing in firming. This mask, however, has a smarter design. Put it on and you'll feel the pull from the mask. Those with double chin problems should try this mask actually, it might help in long term. Though, no one can guarantee that at this time.


It's a bit small on the nose. I wish they have left some extra fabric for the tip of my nose

Plus, it's pretty cheap. They always have some sort of mask promo. Currently, it's RM69 for 2 boxes which has 20 pieces. So on average it's only RM3.45 each piece. Here's the direct link to their official webpage, Naruko's website. I've also tried the toner from the same range, check it out here


With love, 
pei san 

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