Friday, June 27

NIVEA Body Lotion In-shower Intensive Skin Conditioner

Hair conditioner is no stranger to all of us but body conditioner? That's something new! Well, at least a couple months old now. Nivea is the very first one to introduce this product to the world. It's supposed to be a hassle-free way of moisturizing our skin. What do you guys think about this new concept? Will you incorporate it into your daily routine? Let me know in the comments down below. 

润发乳对我们来说绝对不是什么陌生的东西,可是沐浴润肤乳肯定是新东西!至少也有几个月了。Nivea 是市场上第一个推出这种产品的商家。 它可以让我们轻轻松松地滋润皮肤。你们觉得这新概念怎样? 你会包括它在你的日常习惯里面吗? 在以下留言让我知道吧

Basically, it works like a hair conditioner and it's used like a hair conditioner. You go into shower and wash your body with the normal shower gel and then lather on the body conditioner, then rinse off. Now, you may ask if this body conditioner need 5-15 minutes to work its thing on the skin like hair conditioner and how does this product moisture my skin when it's only gonna be on my skin for a few minutes. The intelligent part of this product is that the formula is designed to be activated by water. So, you don't need to towel dry your body before putting the body conditioner on. The initial idea of this product is good because most of our skin moisture is lost during shower, especially long hot bath. Because our skin's natural oil is striped when we clean and dry our body.

基本上,这款润体乳就像普通的润发乳一样,用法是一样的。 洗澡时,用平时用的沐浴乳把身体洗干净, 然后,涂上润体乳,再冲洗掉。大家应该会问, 这款润体乳是不是也像一般的润发乳,要等5-15分钟后才可以洗掉呢?那短短的几分钟到底够不够?这产品精明的地方呢,就是它碰到水就会被激活。所以在使用前是不用把身体擦干的。本人觉得产品的概念很棒,因为在洗澡的过程当中,我们皮肤的会流失很多滋润,尤其是洗热澡的时候,皮肤里的天然油脂会被洗掉。

As you can see from the photo below, the product is like some white body lotion originally but when I rub it onto my body, it becomes colorless and stay on my skin like a layer of film. To rinse them off, I really have to stand under the shower and rub myself well. After washing it off, I can feel like there's some residue all over my skin, sort of like a protection shield.

从以下图片上可看到产品原本是白色的乳液,可是当我搽开它后,它就会变无色,而且会在皮肤上形成一层薄膜。要完完全全把它冲掉是不可能的事,它始终会留下一层油油的“保护膜”。 而且我必须站在花洒下一阵子,用很多水把它冲掉。

There's no major improvement in my skin but it does comes in handy when I have no time to slowly rub the body lotion into the skin. And I don't need to worry about the sticky feeling when I get sweaty but when I do, my sweats are like water droplets on my skin because of the oily/wax-like residue. Pretty weird feeling! Another thing about this body moisturizer is that it is heavily scented, like all other Nivea products.

我并没有观察到皮肤有任何进展,不过它的确瞒方便的, 尤其是当你干着出门,又没有时间慢慢涂乳液的时候。 流汗后也不用担心会有粘粘的感觉, 不过就会感觉到汗水一颗颗像水珠般的出现在皮肤上, 因为润体乳遗留下的薄膜是油性/蜡状。感觉还瞒奇怪的!还有就是它的香精很重,其实我觉得所有Nivea的产品里有很高的香精含量。

There's 3 selections in the range: (1) for dry skin with almond oil (2) for normal skin with sea minerals in white bottle and (3) for dull skin with whitening camu camu in white bottle also. I think the price is the same for all, RM16.90 for 250ml.

这整个系列里有三款 (1) 给干性皮肤的有杏仁油 (2) 给普通皮肤的有白色罐子的海底矿物质 及 (3) 给色素暗淡的皮肤有白色罐子的美白卡姆果。 所有的售价都是一样的, RM16.90 /250ml。

Will I repurchase this product? Hmm...neh! There's really nothing special about it. Some of you may find it handy because it's fast and hassle-free. At home, I would prefer to take some time to rub my body lotion into my skin every night which gives better result. If I'm at the gym, then  this product is ideal because after workout, my body is still warm and sweaty. Furthermore, the changing room is small so it's hard for me to be applying body lotion in there (well, you get my idea, how am I suppose to get to those hard to reach places). So, it really depends on your intention of usage for this product.

如果你问我会不会再买这产品呢? 因该不会,因为我觉得没什么特别的。有些人会觉得它很方便、很快。可是在家里,我还是比较喜欢每晚花点时间慢慢按摩好让皮肤可以好好吸收乳液,效果也比较好。如果说在健身房的话,运动完后身体还热热的,还流着汗,更衣室也很窄小,要涂完(乳液)全身有点难。 终结来说, 还是看个人的用法啦!

With love,
pei san 

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