Thursday, May 22

NEUTROGENA Hand Cream Norwegian Formula

Have you been into the drugstore? Well, I know Malaysians don't call them drugstore. It's actually those retail store which sells beauty and personal care products as well as medicine like Watsons, Guardian, Caring etc. In the drugstore, we can get carried away easily because there is so many product. And naturally, our human eye and brain is easily attracted to pretty and colorful packaging. This can be dangerous because those pretty packaging are meant to deceive us. Well, of course, not all product with pretty packaging is bad. Generally, packaging is a marketing tactic. 

大家有到过西药房吗? 我说的是像Watsons, Guardian, Caring 等的一战式连锁药房啦! 里面是不是令郎满目呢?美容产品、保健产品、药物一大堆。。我们人类的肉眼通常都会被颜色比较鲜艳的包装而吸引。这可是非常危险的哦! 因为厂商都是以漂亮、显眼的包装来吸引顾客的。

Like any other dermatologist brands, it has white boring packaging
Now, why am I telling you this? Because today I'm going to introduce you to this awesome hand cream. It does not have the prettiest packaging and it certainly not eye catching. It's easy to miss this product among the racks in the drugstore. But I can assure you that what's in the tube is certainly amazing. The product actually looks like Vaseline. It's not really a cream. When you rub it onto your skin, it becomes like a white gel. It takes a few rubs to get the product to settle down. Also, this is a very thick product and if you put too much, it becomes greasy. So remember, a little goes a long way!

为什么我会提起这些呢? 这是因为今天我要为大家介绍一支很棒的护手膏。它没有很漂亮、艳眼的外表,在众多产品之中是很容易看走眼的。不过,本人保证它的内在是惊人的!产品挤出来还瞒像Vaseline 的。它其实也不是cream, 涂在手上会变白,需要揉多几下才会完全定下来。而且它很浓重,挤太多的话会很油哦!一点点就够了

It looks like vaseline but when you rub it, it turns into white
This product is one of those few hand cream that is recommended by dermatologist worldwide. The main component is glycerin, which a common moisturizing ingredient found in most skincare and body products. The hand cream is tested by dermatologist to provide 17 hours long of moisturization. Apart from that, this hand cream is also fragrance free. This might be a good thing to people who has sensitive skin but I personally prefer a little bit of fragrance because who doesn't like to smell good huh?

这支护手膏是开架市上其中几款被世界各地皮肤专家推荐的之一。它主要成份是甘油,是一种很普遍的滋润成份。这护肤膏也被专家们证实长达17小时的滋润功效。此外, 它是无色、无香的。 对很多皮肤敏感的人来说,当然是件好事,只不过我还是喜欢有点香味,闻了心情也好点!

Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearic Acid, Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Dilauryl Thiodipropionate, Sodium Sulfate

I also think that this product is more suitable for the winter weather, which also explains the name of the line, "Norwegian formula". The line was 'inspired' by the Norwegian fishermen who face some of the harshest, coldest weather on earth. Their skin and lips will dry out until it cracks. Their line includes body lotion, foot cream and lip moisturizer as well but I don't think it's available in Malaysia. At least I haven seen it on shelves so far. Let me know if you do! I would want to try it :)

我个人觉得这产品比较适合冬天的天气。 这其实也是它整个系列的名称来源。挪威渔人的一生要面对世上最冷、最艰难的天气,皮肤和嘴唇都会干到裂, 所以需要非常滋润的产品。这系列也包括护肤乳,护脚膏和护唇膏。不过在马来西亚因该没有卖,至少我是没有看过。如果你有看到的话,请让我知道 :)

We certainly do not experience winter in Malaysia. Instead, you can use it at night, especially if you are sleeping in an air-conditioned room. You should try it on your foot too. Though it's meant for the hand but I think this product is very thick and super moisturizing. It's definitely a must-have product at home. 
Even though this is a drugstore brand, this hand cream is priced at RM12.90. Not very cheap for 56g but like I said, you only need a little for both hands. It says on the packaging that this 56g tube can be used for over 200 applications. Shocking? Yes! So, when you divide it up, it's actually pretty cheap. 

我们是不可能可以在这里经历冬天的啦。。不过,你可以晚上用, 尤其是睡冷气房的。也可以试在脚上, 它真的太浓,太滋润了, 是家中必备的产品!它虽然是开架市产品,但是小小的56g装要RM12.90。事实虽如此,它的用量真的很少,包装上有写明这一小支可以用超过200次哦!夸张吧? 所以除起来还瞒便宜的。

Hope you like my sharing today!

With love, 
pei san 

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