Saturday, May 17

CYBER COLORS Ex Volume Waterproof Mascara

Sleek packaging - matte black tube
Mum was complaining about my old Maybelline mascara for being flaky and dry so I have to get a new one. I went in to Sasa and the salesgirl recommended me this. If you've been to Sasa for a couple times, you'll know that if you ask them for recommendation, they will surely point you to Cyber Colors. This is like their main brand or maybe they are given monthly target to fulfill. 

老妈一直在投诉我的Maybelline睫毛膏又干又难涂,其实也很久了,是时候换了。结果就去了Sasa。那里的销售员介绍了我这支Cyber Colors 的 Ex Volume 防水睫毛膏。有去过Sasa的人都知道,无论你要找什么产品,她们都会介绍你Cyber Colors。这牌子是她们的招牌,也或许是因为她们有销售目标吧
It has a plastic wand & comb
Whatever it is, this certainly is a terrible product! I repeat, TERRIBLE! 
It's flaky, it has black bits and after a few hours, the black bits will start to fall onto your cheeks and gets your undereye area black. You'll end up looking like a panda. 


Pardon my dry wrinkley eyes :(
And the worst of all, it cost RM59.90! It's a complete waste of my money. There's so many other better mascara than this. Please do not repeat my mistake. 

更糟的是,价格是超贵的,要 RM59.90!你说我气不气?简直就是浪费我的血汗钱!市场上肯定有其他更好的睫毛膏。请姐妹们不要重犯我的错误!

With love, 
pei san 

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