Tuesday, April 29

GARNIER BB Eye Roll-on

The obsession of BB cream has gone to another level with Garnier. I discovered this BB Eye Roll On many months ago. I've been testing it for a few months now. I was hoping that I will reduce my dark eye circle because it contains pure lemon essence. Sadly, I did not notice any improvement.

Garnier 已经把BB 霜升值到另一个层次了。我在几个月前发现到这支BB Eye Roll On。本来还想说可以淡化我的黑眼圈,可是用了几个月了,都好像没有明显的效果。真可惜!
The product came in this box with all the description 
There has been a new wave of make up with skincare essentials in the market lately and this is BB Eye Roll-On is one of the examples. It provides light coverage to the under eye area and at the meantime, helps reduce dark eye circle and puffiness, hydrates and tightens the skin. It only comes in one color and it has an orange undertone.

近来市场上有越来越多含有保养成份的化妆品,这支BB Eye Roll On 就是其中之一。它不但可以遮瑕,还可以帮助淡化黑眼圈和水肿,保湿和紧肤。这支BB Eye Roll On 只有一个颜色,底色是桔色。

Swatch of the BB Eye Roll-on. It has quite watery consistency
Left: My nude face
Right: After applying Garnier BB eye roll-on
As you can see from the photo, it's like a pen with roller ball on top. The packaging is a bit cheesy. It's just a light bronze color plastic tube with sticker labels on. It's pretty light and convenient to carry in your handbag. So, you can touch you your make up during mid-day in the office or before heading for happy hour or dinner after work. And the roller ball does help in reducing puffiness of my eye bag in the morning.

从照片上大家可以看到它是一支笔,顶端有粒钢球。其实包装还蛮烂的!它只在塑料上粘了有label 的黏子。可是,它就很轻,可随意带在包包里。中午可以补妆,放工约会前也可以补补。多方便啊!而且那钢球可以消水肿。 
It's a light plastic tube with a roller ball
Overall, this product is affordable and gives medium coverage. The retail price is only RM 24.90. It's worth a try!

整体来说这产品瞒便宜,只是RM 24.90,而且遮暇度也不错。值得一式!

With love,
pei san 

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