Monday, March 3

Revlon Color Burst Matte Balm 220 Snowy

Simple make up for the day 
Hi everyone, today I'm gonna do a short one for you all. Because there's tonnes of review about this product already. I was so excited when they finally bring it into Malaysia. There's 10 color in total for the range but I don't think it's all available in Malaysia or maybe certain stores only. I got the color 220 Snowy which is a cool tone with purple undertone. It's SUPER pigmented! The texture is also very soft and not drying. It glides on easily onto the lip. Best of all, it is very long lasting. There's really nothing bad to say about this product.....Oh and they added mint into the lip balm. I guess it is to make your lips bigger and fuller like those lip plummer. Not a big fan of mint but I do realized that the minty scent don't last long so whatever!
The price of it in Malaysia is RM30.80 each. Pretty affordable and you get a tonne of product AND it's a good lip product so what are you waiting for?! Haha

嗨, 今天我要给大家来个短的。因为这产品在网上已经有太多太多的评论了。 我还记得但是他们在马来西亚发布时,我是超兴奋的。 整个系列里有十种颜色, 不过我不肯定这里是不是有卖, 而且好像只有一些店有。 我买的是220 Snowy,  是偏紫色的冷色系粉红。 它是超上色的!! 质底也很软,不会干, 很容易上妆。 更好的是, 它很耐色。其实真的没有什么坏处可谈。。。还有, 他们在产品里添加了薄荷。 我猜因该是要让嘴唇变厚、变丰满、增加立体感。 我个人不是很喜欢薄荷, 可是我发觉它的薄荷味不会逗留太久, 所以就算了啦!
它在马来西亚的标价是每支RM30.80。 还算蛮廉价的,而且它的分量很多, 再加上它真的是一个很好的产品, 你还等什么呢?哈哈

With love, 
pei san 

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