Friday, March 28

L'OREAL Extraordinary Oil

About 6 months ago, I finished my L'oreal Smooth Intense Anti Frizz Serum. Like finally!! I can't even remember if it's my 2nd or 3rd bottle. L'oreal has launched a new hair serum called Extraordinary Oil last October. It's been ages since they have something new!I mean hair oil. I was kinda bored of the old one already. There's 2 option available for the Extraordinary Oil. I got the original one for normal hair and the other one with red pump and bottle, is formulated for colored hair. I'm almost done with my 1st bottle and I already got another one last month because they were on 30% discount at Watsons. So of course I have to restock while the sale last :) 
In just a few months since its debut, the Extraordinary Oil instantly became L'oreal Paris's power product. There was a lot of hype about this product on the internet. Positive reviews popping out on Youtube and social medias. Their Facebook page is also flooded with comments, good ones. There is just too much love for this product! And just a couple months ago, this product was crowded as the Best in Beauty of 2013 by Beauty Heaven (Beauty Heaven is an Australian online magazine or as they like to call themselves, a community of beauty experts). The benefit of this hair oil is not just smoothing out the hair or nourishing the ends. L'oreal Paris even came out with a list of 1001 secrets of the Extraordinary Oil, which I personally agree to all of it. DUH! So, I don't think I need to elaborate much further about its benefit . 

大概六个月前, 我用终于把我的L'oreal Smooth Intense Anti Frizz Serum用完了。 我自己也不记得是第几瓶了,因该是第二还是第三吧! 在去年十月时, L'oreal推出了新的护发精华素叫Extraordinary Oil。 他们已经很久没有推出新的护发素了。 那旧的我已经用到闷了。 这新的Extraordinary Oil有两款。 我买的是金色原版的,另一款红色的是特别为一些爱染发的朋友所研发的。 我之前买的第一瓶已经差不多用完了。我上个月也买了另一瓶, 因为那时在Watsons有30%大折扣。我当然要趁低吸纳咯!嘻嘻 :)

Extraordinary Oil 推出以后, 在短短几个月内, 它已经成为了L'oreal Paris 的重头产品。 网友们的炒作更是满天飞啊!别怕! 我说的全都是正面的点评。 除此之外, 他们的官方面子书上也越来越多好的评论。 大家的反应可说是有爱无恨。 而且几个月前, 这产品还被Beauty Heaven封为2013年度最好的美容产品 (Beauty Heaven 是一家澳大利亚的网上杂志,也是所有美容专家聚集的网上社区)。 这产品不单指可以理顺头发,它还可以滋润头发。 L'oreal Paris 还列出了1001个Extraordinary Oil 的秘密。 我个人非常赞成,高举双手和双脚赞成! 所以我觉得无需再怎么讲解这产品的好用之处了。 

L'oreal's Extraordinary Oil with sand arts from Abu Dhabi
p/s: This is was snapped when I first purchased it last year 
I bet you must be wondering what makes this product so amazing. Now let me tell you! This golden bottle is filled with 6 exceptionally powerful flower oil: (1) Lotus oil which give intense nutrition to the hair, (2) Camomile oil which boosts shine and radiance, (3) Tiare flower oil which protects the hair from dryness, (4) Matricaria oil that softens and relaxes hair texture, (5) Rose oil that protects the hair from external aggressors and (6) Flax oil that intensely hydrates the hair to its root. 

大家因该很好奇这产品怎么那么好啊。 让我来揭开秘密吧! 这金黄色的瓶子里装满了六种威力非凡的花油 (精华油): (1)莲花油给予头发滋润 (2)甘菊花油增强光亮度 (3)蒂亚雷花避免头发干燥 (4) 洋甘菊花油使头发柔软、蓬松 (5)玫瑰花油保护头发不受外来因素受损 (6)亚麻籽油给予头发水分。

It is also specially formulated as a lightweight oil. So it does not weight the hair down. When I apply it onto my hair, it instantly absorbs it all. Just like a sponge meets water. Yes, my hair loves it that much! It also does not make your hair greasy throughout the day. I usually put 2-3 pumps onto my hand and then run them through my semi-wet hair until every strain is coated with this amazing oil. It tames down flyaways and smooths everything out. FYI, this is a silicon-based product, which basically explains the smoothing part. As you can see from the picture below, the first ingredient listed on the product is Cyclopentaasiloxane. This means that it is the highest content compared to all the other ingredients. For those of you who don't know, the ingredient that weighs the most is listed first on the ingredient list and others follow in descending order. Now back to the product. When everything is smooth and silky, my hair will automatically look shinny. It's simple physics! When a surface is smooth, it reflects most of the light to the same direction and hence, we have shinny hair. TA-DAH!!  

它特制的轻量化油脂不会给头发加重,而且擦在头发上很快就被吸收了, 就像海绵遇到水。 Yes! 我的头发很明显真的很喜欢这护发素。 我通常会挤二至三次, 然后擦在半干的头发上, 它很快就被吸收。毛躁感立即消失,之后一整天都不会感觉油油的。 FYI, 这产品是硅系列的, 所以可以有效地使头发变得顺滑亮丽。 从以下的图中, 大家可看到产品里的头号成分和Cyclopentaasiloxane, 其实, 成分解说表里的次序是依成分的分量来排名的。 分量最多会被列在第一, 然后逆序排列。 把话说回来, 当头发又滑又顺的时候, 自然就会变亮咯! 这是简单的物理学! 如果某个表面是平滑的, 它就会把多数的光线反射到同一个方向, 所以我们的肉眼就会看到所谓的亮丽秀发啦! 

On dry hair, it will take awhile to dry off or you know, get absorbed into the hair. Don't believe it? Try their blotter challenge. I think they really put a lot of thought into developing this product, As I was switching between this oil and Schwarzkopf's Professional Bonacure Moisture Kick Spray Conditioner, I realized that my hair prefers oil over water-based hair conditioner. But I think because oil makes my hair smooth and it does not tangle up as easy. Another thing I like about this is the scent. Well, obviously it has floral scent because the main ingredients are flower oil but I can't differentiate which note comes on top or bottom. Go take a sniff of this product at a drugstore near you! In my opinion, it's not overly empowering when the product is on the hair. 

如果擦在干发, 护发素需要一点时间才会干掉, 或是所谓的被吸收。 不相信吗? 试试他们的 blotter challenge 吧! 我觉得这次他们真的放了很多心思去研发这产品。 之前我都在这 Extraordinary oil 和 Schwarzkopf 的 Professional Bonacure Moisture Kick Spray Conditioner之间一直切换, 之后才发觉我的头发其实比较喜欢发油。 也许是因为发油会使头发顺滑, 不会那么容易打结。 这产品也带有花香, 我个人非常喜欢。 可惜我没有能力分辨出到底是哪样花的前符和后符,大家还是自己去嗅嗅看吧! 我个人觉得产品擦在头发上的香味是不会太强烈。 

The ingredients in L'oreal's Extraordinary Oil 
The bottle is made of glass. It feels solid and weighty which gives the impression of an expensive product. But on the downside, it's not very convenient for travelling. 
It's a little bit more costly compared to the old L'oreal Smooth Intense Anti Frizz Serum. It's priced at RM29.80. I think it's still reasonable. I have repurchased it, will you?
Till next time!

瓶子是玻璃制成的,质感非常实在, 给人一种豪华昂贵的印象。 
它的价格比旧的 L'oreal Smooth Intense Anti Frizz Serum 高一点。 市场价是RM29.80。 我觉得还可以啦。我都买第二瓶了, 你会再买吗? 

With love, 
pei san 

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