Thursday, December 5

NARUKO Rose & Snow Fungus Classic Hydrating Night Gelly

If you are a lazy person like me, I would suggest you try this. Sleeping mask are the most easy ones, just slap it onto your face and go to sleep. Then when you wake up, you'll have hydrated, bouncy skin..oh yea!! Over night, the skin drinks up all the water from the mask and all the cells become bigger. Subsequently, the pores  and fine lines will also shrink. Hence, the skin looks bouncy and firm. Malaysia is a tropical country and our weather is hot most of the year. I believe most of us sleep in an air-conditioned room. Air-cond is bad for our skin. They dry out the air in the room and our skin. So, it is advised to apply night mask to lock the moisture in our skin. Apart from that, I also realized that it's easier for my foundation to stick to the skin too. It glides on smoothly on hydrated skin and it last longer throughout the day. When the skin is hydrated, it's less oily so I don't need to touch up so often. 

如果你也像我一样懒,我就会建议你试试这产品。晚安冻膜是最方便的补水方式。只需擦上少许产品,然后就可以去睡觉了。第二天睡醒时,你就会有水份饱满、弹性十足的肌肤了。真的是太棒了!! 在夜间,皮肤会吸取冻膜里的所有水份,而细胞也会膨胀、毛孔和细纹也会消失。马来西亚是个热带国家,长年气候都很炎热。我相信很多大马人每晚都是睡在冷气房里的。冷气对皮肤很不好,因为冷气会把空气里和皮肤的水分吸干, 所以专家都建议我们用冻膜来锁住皮肤里的水份。 除此之外,我发觉水份充足的皮肤比较容易上妆,妆也会耐久一些。皮肤不干燥就不会出油,而我也不用一直不装。

This sleeping mask is formulated to supply moisture to our skin. It is added with Hyaluronic Acid, Serine, Ceramide, CE Booster and White Willow Bark extract. These ingredients repair and moisture our skin. At night, our skin will automatically trigger its repair and renew mechanism. So, it's the best time to provide the skin with mineral and vitamins. The night mask is also infused with Bulgarian rose, rose grass, rosewood and green citrus essential oil which helps to condition the skin and eliminate fine lines. 

这晚安冻膜是专家特制的补水、补养秘方。产品里加了玻尿酸、丝氨酸、神经酰胺及采取自白柳树皮的CE 促进因子。 这些成分都可修复皮肤和补充水分。在晚间, 我们的皮肤都会自动开启修复和更新的过程。所以,晚上是最好补水、补养的时间。这晚安冻膜也加入了来自保加利亚的玫瑰、玫瑰草、花梨木、绿色柑橘属的精油,可帮助保湿和消除细纹。

HOW TO USE: After cleansing your face, put on your regular skincare products and lastly apply the night gelly. A moderate amount will do because too much of the night gelly will make your face very sticky and you might end up with a dirty pillow the next morning. 

使用方式: 洗完脸后,复上平时用的护肤品。最后才复上晚安冻膜。份量适当就好,因为擦太多会很粘,而且会弄脏枕头。 

Before getting this night mask, I was using Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX. The effect is almost the same. I would say that this is the perfect dup for the Laneige one and it is so much cheaper. The newly formulated Laneige Water Sleeping Pack cost about RM100/80ml and the Naruko one cost only RM42/60ml. It's almost double the price. And is still having the night mask promotion which you get 2 for RM69 or RM79. Others are on 10% discount. And their delivery service is very fast too! If you are thinking of what to get your girlfriends for Xmas, this should be it! Everyone needs extra hydration for their skin and Naruko's products are very gentle. So, you don't need to worry about it. 

之前,我是用着Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX 的。相比起来,两款的效果差不多。我觉得牛尔亲研的森玫瑰雪耳晚安冻膜是Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_EX的最佳代替品,而且它也便宜很多。新配方的Laneige Water Sleeping Pack是大约 RM100/80ml, 而森玫瑰雪耳晚安冻膜只售RM42/60ml, 简直是一半的价格。而且 还有晚安冻膜大促销,两瓶的售价是 RM69 或 RM79。 其他的晚安冻膜则是有10%折扣。此外,他们的快递也真的很快!如果你还在想着要买什么给姐妹们当圣诞礼物,不妨考虑买个晚安冻膜吧!补水是每个人都需要的。牛尔亲研的产品都很温和,所以大家可放心。

With love, 
pei san 

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