Friday, November 22

First impression #3: Lux Fine Fragrance Elixirs - Magical Spell

Ta-da!! This is my new favorite body wash. It is sexy, mysterious and seductive! Haha...This product is specially formulated by the famous "nose" - Ann Gottlieb who has collaborated with many celebrities, fragrance brands like Elizabeth Arden and Dior, retail brands like Victoria's Secret, as well as personal care brands including Dove, Caress, Rexona and Vaseline. She learnt everything about the beauty industry and fragrance from her mentor, Mrs. Estee Lauder. And later she started her own company and everything takes off from there. It is amazing knowing that affordable product like this created by her. 

Ta-da!!! 这是我我目前最爱的沐浴乳。它带给人一种性感、神秘和诱惑的感觉。 为了创造出它独一无二的香味,Lux 特地找来了著名的“鼻子” - Ann Gottlieb 来合作。 Ann 是香水界的大派人物,她曾经和很多明星和著名牌子合作过,包括 Elizabeth Arden 和 Dior,还有一些零售商如:Victoria's Secret 及 个人产品专售商Dove, Caress, Rexona  和 Vaseline。 Ann 一直都跟在身边 Mrs. Estee Lauder 学习美容界和香水界的点点滴滴。然后,她自己创造了属于自己的品牌, 成绩更是有声有色。 能有她这位大师来创造这样的廉价物真是太幸福了! 

Ann has created a perfect blend of flower with juniper oil for the body wash. The top notes are black orchid, jasmine and violet. She has also added brown sugar and vanilla to strengthen the fragrance. It also contains sandalwood and velvet musk as the base notes. This body wash is different from any other on the shelves. It's fragrance is richer and long lasting. 

在Ann 的巧手之下,诱人的花香混合了杜松油,创造出了完美的芳香。 它的前调是黑兰花、茉莉花和紫罗兰。 她还加了黑糖和香草来提高柔软的花香。而尾调是檀香和麝香绒。这沐浴乳真的是与众不同,它的香味比较浓厚,也比较长久。

The body wash is a beautiful pearly purple in color. A little bit of it can create big bubble foams. Remember I said that bubbles make your skin dry in the previous review on the Crabtree & Evelyn Jojoba Oil Moisturizing Body Wash and Lotion? Well, this doesn't. So, I have no bad things to say about this product. I'm loving this everyday! 

产品的颜色是珠光紫,非常美。 而且只需用少许就可以弄出许许多多的泡沫。你们还记得我在上次Crabtree & Evelyn Jojoba Oil Moisturizing Body Wash and Lotion 的点评里有提到泡沫会令皮肤干躁吗?还好,这产品不会。所以,我其实对这产品也没有什么不好的点评。我每天都在爱着它!

With love, 
pei san 

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