Thursday, November 14

NIVEA Body UV Whitening Serum SPF 25++

Today, I would like to introduce to you the body lotion that I'm using during the day. I'm sure all of you have seen this before and there's tonnes of review online on this product. Some even did the 14 days challenge. Personally, I think that we are not in a controlled atmosphere so it's hard to give an accurate result. We're exposed to different level and time period of sunlight everyday. It might be sunny day, it might be a rainy day, it might be because I stayed home today...well, you get my idea. And it's already clinically proven that this product is able to make your skin look more radiant and fair in 14 days.
Overall, everyone likes this product, including my mum and I.

今天要给大家介绍的是我每天早上洗澡后的必用品。大家对它应该不会很陌生吧!而且网上也有很多点评。有些blogger甚至尝试了14天的试验。我个人认为这样的试验结果是不准确的,因为我们的环境素质不受控制。 我们的皮肤每天吸收到的阳光是不定的。今天可能是晴天,也可能是雨天,也可能今天觉得心情不好,只想呆在家里,那就不会接触到太多的紫外线了。而且已经有临床试验证实这产品是可以让肌肤在14天内变得更白皙、明亮,我们有何必多此一举呢?

Nivea Body UV Whitening Serum SPF25 PA++
This product is different from the other body lotion because it's a serum. Everyone knows that serum is more concentrated and the molecules are smaller so it's easier to penetrate into our skin. Also, it is jam packed with many active ingredients to improve the skin color. From the picture below, you can see that it's enriched with Licorice, Hydra IQ, red seaweed, Camu-camu and 95% anti-oxidant PURE Vitamin C derivatives. It's a pretty powerful whitening product I would say.

这产品的不同之处就是它不是一般的护肤乳,而是精华液。大家都知道精华液的成份比较高,分子也比较小,所以很容易渗透皮肤真层。此外,它含有丰富的活性成份,包括:甘草、Hydra IQ、红海藻、卡姆卡姆和95%纯正抗氧化维他命C。 它们本身的功效已经是不得了了,现在Nivea还把它们加在一起。这产品的功效可是非常的强大。 
Ingredients of Nivea Body UV Whitening Serum 
I'm half way through the bottle now but I didn't use it everyday. I'm too lazy to apply body products. I have very fair skin, almost as fair as anyone can be. So, the difference between before and after was not very obvious. Before I started using this body serum, I realized that my skin was slowly darkening from the daily sun expose. After using this, I noticed that my skin is not darkening anymore. It is almost the same shade as the inner part of my hand. Our inner part of the hand, our bottom and inner part of the thigh are the parts that are least exposed to the sun. So, they are the fairest compared to the other parts of our body. I know the photos are not really helping but you still can see that there's some difference. The inner part is fairer and the outer is darker and slightly more yellowish. But for my mum, the result is very obvious because she's tan.

我已经用了大半罐了。不过,其实我没有每天用。 有时觉得懒懒的。我天生就有非常白皙的皮肤,白的程度相信已经是人类极点。哈哈。。。 也因为这样,在我开始使用前和现在都没有很明显的差别。可是,之前还没开始用的时候,我发觉皮肤渐渐地变得暗淡,是因为每天都接触到阳光。然后,用了这产品之后,我发觉皮肤已经没有在继续地变黑了。在以下图里,大家可看到我的手的内侧和外侧几乎是同样色调的。虽然不是很明显,可是还是可以看到外侧是稍微黑一些,也带点黄。我们的手和大腿内侧是所有身体部位当中最白的部分,因为很少机会接触到阳光。我妈的情况就比较明显。她的肤色比较黑,所以用后有很大的差别。 
Comparison of the inner & outer part of my hand
There's one major thing I like about this product is the scent. It is infused with citrus scent. It almost over up the sunscreen chemical smell which I hate. After I apply it, I just skip perfume because the scent is pretty long lasting and it's refreshing. 
It's priced at RM19.90/200ml. It's a pretty decent bargain considering that it's very effective. I'll definitely repurchase this. You should get one too!  

还有, 我很喜欢它那清香的橘子味,几乎把防晒成份的化学味给改掉了。 我通常擦了它就不会再擦香水。 它的味道还瞒持久的。 
产品的售价是RM19.90/200ml, 简直是物超所值。我一定会再买的,你也应该来一瓶!

Light consistency
With love,
pei san 

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