Wednesday, October 30

L'OREAL Smooth Intense Anti-frizz Serum

L'oreal Smooth Intense Anti-frizz Serum
Today, I would like to introduce you my all time favorite hair serum. In fact, it's everyone's favorite, for those who tried it. So far, I've only heard/read good things about this product. It's the L'oreal Smooth Intense Leave In Anti-Frizz Serum with argon oil. This product has been in the market for years now and I believe many of you have seen it. I think this is my 2nd or 3rd bottle. My mum is using it on her curly hair too. p/s: I have naturally straight hair.

今天,我要给大家介绍我个人最喜欢的护发素。其实,应该说是每个试用过的人的最爱。 到现在为止我只听/读过这产品的好评。它就是含有摩洛哥坚果油的L'oreal Smooth Intense Leave in Anti-Frizz Serum, 相信大家都有在市场上看过它。我现在用着的应该是我的第二或第三瓶。我妈也在用呢!大家如果不知道的话,我妈是卷发的,而我的头发是直的, 所以说这产品是“百搭”的。 
L'oreal Smooth Intense - with argon oil
As you can see from the pictures below, before I apply the serum, there's a lot of baby hairs flying around (see pic with flash). It reminds me of Einstein haha...BTW, I took the pictures when my hair is about 80% dry (after I showered & shampoo-ed my hair). Usually, I'll apply 2 pumps of serum, sometimes I'll add another if I feel that some hair didn't get even share of product. But to be frank, each pump only release small amount of product. Considering that my hair is only shoulder length, 3 pumps is quite a lot. Surprisingly, my hair don't feel oily or sticky. It's like I didn't apply any product. From the pic without flash, you can see that my hair is smoother, the reflection of the light is more even compared to the "before" picture. Apart from that, my hair also feel fluffier. The serum is very light weighted. It doesn't weight my hair down. If I blow dry it, it usually look more volumized. But I don't blow dry my hair everyday, especially when I'm in a rush. You can also apply the serum onto dry hair but you have to reduce the amount of product. I think 1 pump will do. I still think that it works best on wet hair. Oh ya...the serum makes my hair smells good too!

从以下图示上可明显看见试用前后的效果。使用之前,可明显看到许多到处乱飞的初生发(请看有闪光灯的照片)这令我想起爱迪生的发型 哈哈。。。这些照片都是在我头发大约已经80%干的时候拍的。 我洗完头发后就只用毛巾抹干头发,没用吹风筒。从以下的照片(没有闪光灯的), 可以看到使用后,头发明显顺滑蓬松有光泽。如果再吹一吹,头发就会更蓬松, 但我也不是每天都那么得空。 产品的唧筒还瞒小的,所以我通常都会按两至三次。 依我的头发的长度,其实用这么多护发素应该会很油,可是用这款护发素就没有这个问题。它也不会增加头发的重量。这产品也可使用在干的头发上,可是可要小心用量。一次就够了。我个人觉得还是用在半干头发上的效果最好。还有。。擦了头发会香香哦!
Photo taken with natural lighting
Photo taken with flash light
The technology inside this orange bottle of goodness begins with 48 hours long of smooth protection which I find it to be very true. My hair still looks good on the 2nd day. There's also argon oil which helps to nourish our hair. Apart from nourishing and frizz control, the serum is also a good heat protector. There's no need to waste money to buy heat protector anymore.

这橘色瓶子里藏着的科技可保持毛发顺滑长达48小时。经过我轻身体验,头发到了第二天也很好看。产品里还有坚果油,可滋润头发和减少毛躁感, 也可减少热能对头发的伤害。大家再也不需要浪费钱买不同的护发素了。
2 pump - colorless oil
The hair serum is priced at RM34.00. I like to stock up when there's sales. 
I highly recommend this product to all of you with all types of hair: straight hair, curly hair...This product is very "user-friendly" I would say. Oh and one last good thing to say about this product is that the packaging is spill proof. I have no problem carrying this in my gym bag, until the very last pump. 

这护发素的售价是RM34.00。 有大减价的时候我都喜欢补货。我个人大力推荐这护发素给各种发型的人. 无论你是卷发或直发,统统都管用。 还有, 它的包装是防漏的,所以我可带着它到处去。

pei san

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