Tuesday, November 5

CRABTREE & EVELYN Jojoba Oil Moisturizing Body Lotion and Body Wash

Crabtree & Evelyn Jojoba Oil Set
When I think of Crabtree & Evelyn or The Body Shop, L'occitane and Yves Rocher, I think of birthday gifts and Christmas presents. Many likes to buy their products for their loved ones during special occasions or just to pamper themselves from time to time. These stores sell higher end body and face products. To me, the price of the facial products are acceptable but for the body products, I don't think I'll spend so much money to buy a bottle of shower gel. I don't know if you have the same spending concept as me but because the skin on our face is more sensitive compared to the other major parts of our body, our face needs extra care. So, I would invest more on my face. But of course, if you have unlimited resources then you don't need to strategize your spending.
每当我想起 Crabtree & Evelyn 或 The Body Shop, L'occitane 和 Yves Rocher时, 我会想到生日和圣诞礼物. 每逢特别节日, 许多人都会到这些店里去选购礼物给他们的爱人或是给自己的一点奖励。 这些店卖的是一些高档的美容和护肤产品。我个人觉得他们卖的护肤产品的价格还可以,不过如果要我花这么多钱买一些沐浴露和身体乳液, 我觉得是一种奢侈。 不知大家有没有和我一样的消费观念呢? 基本上我们脸上的皮肤是比其他身体部位敏感,所以需要多加留意。可是如果你有用不尽的资源,就不用这样精打细算了。

Images of Jojoba plant and seed from Google.com
Jojoba which pronounced as ho-ho-ba, is mainly found in the deserts of southwestern USA and Mexico. Jojoba oil is the golden colored liquid wax from the seed of the plant. The oil is odorless. It is also known for its nourishing and emollient effect onto skin and hair. Besides Jojoba, it also contains sweet almond oil and oat extract which gives a smoothing effect to the skin.

没有味道,是从种子里分泌出来的蜡质。 它对皮肤和头发的滋润功效是众所皆知。产品里也含有杏仁和麦,对皮肤有镇定和抚和的效果。

I almost finish the body wash as you can see from the photo. After using the body wash, my skin don't feel tight or dry. The body wash has a bubble-less formula, which is very gentle to the skin. Do you know that bubbles actually dries out our skin?...Apart from that, it's also very easy to wash off. I hate those body wash which leaves a film on the skin and it feels like I didn't clean my body properly.
我差不多把整罐沐浴露都用玩了。使用之后,我发觉皮肤不会很紧绷,也不会干。它独特的无泡沫配方对皮肤非常温和。不知大家知不知道泡沫会使皮肤干燥呢?。。除此之外,它很容易就可以清洗干净,不会在皮肤上缠留一层滑滑的感觉, 好像洗不干净似的。

Jojoba Oil Moisturizing Body Wash - bubble-less formula
As for the body lotion, it is also very easy to work with. The texture is watery so the skin absorbs it quick. It also leaves the skin smooth and not sticky. But there's one problem. When I sweat, it feels very sticky and uncomfortable. This is just not the kind of body lotion that is made for Malaysian weather.
One thing I do hate about this range is the smell. It 's a combination of lavender, green herbs with a hint of citrus. I never like lavender! Oh and FYI, it contains paraben.

至于它们家的乳液, 其实也很好用。质感水水的,很容易被皮肤吸收。用后皮肤感觉很滑,不会粘。可是我发觉有一个问题,那就是流汗的时候,会很粘,很不舒服。它的配方绝对不适合我们马来西亚的天气
我对这产品只有一项不满意的东西,那就是它的味道。它是综合了薰衣草和一些青药草及橘子的味道。我个人非常讨厌薰衣草的味道。 Oh 还有,它含有paraben。
Jojoba Oil Moisturizing Body Lotion
The packaging of the body wash and lotion is very good. It's simple and functional. I can just throw it into my gym bag and don't have to worry about the product spilling all over the place. I'll definitely keep it and put my Rosken Skin Repair lotion into it. Don't like the tub concept :(

I have no idea how much this set cost but I'm sure it's not very affordable. Personally, I don't think I'll purchase these because I don't see any major improvement in my skin. I still have patches of dry, flaky skin which I still haven find out the cure for it.
他们在包装方面也做得很好,简单又实用。我可随意把它们丢进我的健身包里,也不用担心会漏。用完后我一定把它们留下,循环再用。应该把我的Rosken Skin Repair乳液倒进去。
With Love,
pei san

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