Thursday, October 3

SKINZ INFINITE HydraClean Cleansing Cream

skinz infinite 
I'm proud to present you a local product today. Yes! This is a Malaysian product. Surprise. ..surprise!  I've been sharing this will my brothers for months now. I have combination skin and they have oily skin but none of us have anything to complain about this product.  It's soap-free, so it doesn't dry out our skin. But it's also good enough to remove dirt and oil. 

今天很荣兴地给大家介绍一个本地产品, 那就是SKINZ INFINITE的Hydra Clean Cleansing Cream. 很难以置信吧? 这可是马来西亚的产品哦! 这几个月来我都在和弟弟们共用着同一支洗脸霜。我的皮肤是混合性的, 而他们是油性的。 可是我们都用得很好。它无皂基的技术对皮肤很好, 不会干燥。 不过还是很有效地清除灰尘和油脂。 
According to the manufacturer, it's made from 99% of plant active and Bio-Stemcell Activator 
which helps to initiate the self-renewal process of our skin cell.  This cleanser can also remove make up but I've not try it yet. Maybe you can. 

据厂商所说, 它含有99巴仙的植物活性成分及Bio-Stemcell Activator, 可有效地激发细胞的更新程序。 据说, 它也可以用来卸妆。不过这我就没试过啦! 你们不妨试试。

Because it's locally produced, it's more affordable...and environmental friendly! It's only RM17.90. This is what I call good beauty product because it's cheap and effective :)

因为是本地产品, 所以价钱比较廉宜。。。也很环保! 只售RM17.90。这才叫好产品嘛! 又便宜又有效 :)

With love, 
pei san 


  1. Replies
    1. Hi xiao sheng, you can get it from guardian, watsons, caring and jusco departmental store

    2. but i cant found black colour,jiust red and white colour

    3. I checked at the caring pharmacy near me. They still have it. Maybe you can try bigger outlet of those drugstore because they carry different brand and products. What kind of skin do you have?
