Sunday, October 6

ORGANIX Revitalizing Pomegranate Green Tea Anti-Frizz Serum

Hi ladies! Here's another hair serum that I've used before. It is originated from the U.S. When they first entered the market, they claim that their product are organic. And I bought this from TNS Skin Lab (they are a premium retailer of natural & organic beauty product). But a few months later, I realized that Skin Lab no longer carries the brand. I can only find it in Watsons and some other beauty stores. Then recently I found out that they have suffered major losses to settle a law suit against them for using the word 'organic' to advertise their product. Which means their product is not organic. According to the article on Lexology, none of their product actually contains more than 10% of organic ingredient. Unless a product contains 70% of organically produced ingredient or more,  companies are not allowed to labelled them as organic product and mislead consumers. So ladies, we have to be very careful when choosing products. And this is also why we decided to start this blog to share our experience in using different beauty products.

嗨,姐妹们!在这儿有我之前用过的润发精油。这牌子是从美国来的。他们开始时,自称是有机产品。 而我是从TNS Skin Lab 买的,他们是一家高级天然和有机美容产品零售家。可是几个月后,我发觉Skin Lab 不再代言他家的牌子, 只能在 Watsons 或其他商家购买。而最近我才发觉他们一直都以‘有机’ 来误导消费者,也因此而被告上法庭,最后损失惨重。根据Lexology的文章显示,他家的所有产品都不含超过10%的有机成分。某产品如果含有不超过70%的有机成分是不可以自称是有机物品来误导消费者。所以说在购买东西时要很小心哦!这也是我们设立这部落格的其中一个原因。

Okay, enough about the company. Let's talk about the product! The serum has an oily gel consistency.  Usually after I towel dried my hair, I will apply one pump of the serum on to my damp hair. It does not feel oily on my hair and it also does not weight it down. And best of all, it smells really really good. However, the serum does not help to improve my hair as it claims. This serum is from their pomegranate green tea series which helps to awaken follicles and improve hair condition. My hair will only feel smooth when I apply the product.

好了,我们言归正传。这产品的体质是油油的凝胶体。我通常把头发擦半干后,就擦上精油。它不会油腻,也不会增加头发的重量。最好的是,它很香。虽然如此,它并没有改善发质。这发油的主要成份是红石榴和绿茶, 据说可助于唤醒头发里的毛囊,提高发质。可是只有在我有使用它的时候,头发才会变滑

I'm very disappointed with the outcome of the product. Obviously, I've been cheated by their ads and descriptions. And the serum is not cheap, I can't remember exactly the price but I think it cost me about RM30 or maybe RM40. I will definitely not repurchase this. There's so many other product out there that is better than this.

我对这产品的效果很失望。 我很明显的是被他们的广告和说明书了。还有,这产品可不便宜。如果我没记错的话,大约是 RM30,也可能是 RM40。 我绝对不会再买这产品。市场上还有很多更好的。

With love,
pei san 

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