Wednesday, October 9

LIESE Juicy Shower

Have you noticed that I have been posting a lot of hair product review? Over the years, I've tried quiet a few products to enhance my hair. Naturally, my hair is fine and super straight. I don't really need to give extra effort to take care of it but as I grow older, I started to have problem with my scalp, it gets oily very fast and I also have dandruff. I will wash my hair twice a day and the more I wash it the worse it gets. My hair become dry and easily tangled. 

After using it for a few weeks, I find no improvement in my hair. When I comb through my hair with my fingers, it still get stuck. The only good thing about this product is that it makes my hair smell berrylicious! haha...And now, the whole bottle is just sitting there on my dresser. I don't see the point of using a product that doesn't work but I also feel it's a waste if I throw it away. How? 

It's not very expensive though. The hair mist is RM32/200ml which comes in a sprinkler bottle. The refill was a complimentary so I don't know how much it really cost. 

不知大家有没有发觉到我写了很多护发产品的点评呢?这几年来我一直在尝试不同的护发产品,希望可以找到一个好的。我的头发天生就很细,也很直。其实不需要花太多的心思去照顾和打理。可是近年来我的头皮会容易出油,还有头皮屑的问题。 我平时一天会洗两次头,越洗就越糟。头发变得干燥、粗糙。

用了几个星期后,我发觉没有任何效果。当我用手指梳头发的时候,手指会卡住。 唯一好的地方是产品的花果香很不错。 现在,它就坐在我的化妆台上。用也没用,丢就太浪费。怎么办才好呢?


With love, 
pei san

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