Wednesday, October 2

BIO-ESSENCE Bird's Nest Nutri-Collagen Whitening Advancer

I can't remember how many bottles I had used it since I found this product 3 years ago. 
This is one of my favourite products from Bio-Essence as it is "user friendly" and work best with any skincare product as a booster to enhance the absorption and maximize the benefits of the ingredients. 

三年前, 我找到了它。从此就一直在用它。自己也不记得用过了多少瓶。 在众多产品当中, 它可是我的最爱。因为它很方便, 不单只可以和任何护肤品混合在一起, 而且效果都一样好。 它就像是个加强器, 将护肤品里的养分都给加强了。

How it works? After cleansing, gently massage an adequate amount onto your face and neck until fully absorbed. It is best used either as a toner or apply together with your current skincare (day or night cream). 

产品的用法很简单! 洗完脸后, 将少许的产品挤出, 轻轻地在脸和颈部上按摩, 直到产品被吸收完为止。 最好是把它充当收缩水或是和日/晚霜一起擦。 

The key ingredient definitely is the bird's nest. For more than a thousand years, bird's nest has been the most expensive animal product consumed by human race for its benefits such as aiding digestion, alleviating asthma, raising libido (which indirectly helps to promote nicer complexion) and it also helps with collagen production to increase elasticity while maintaining youthful skin. As the main ingredient in this product,  its high concentration of anti-oxidant and richness of amino acids helps to fight aging skin by promoting cell growth. It also contains Hyaluronic Acid and Ginseng to keep my skin hydrated, nourished and promotes fairer, healthier complexion. 
I would said this is a must-try product and can be found at major healthcare store at RM59.90.

这奇妙的产品是以燕窝为主要成分。从古致今, 燕窝是最昂贵的。原因是它功效广多; 包括援助消化、减轻哮喘、增加性欲(有间接性的美颜效果) 、加强原胶蛋白的生产量以保持有弹性的年轻肌肤。 燕窝也含有大量的抗氧成分及氨基酸, 所以可促进细胞的成长率以达到抗老的功效。 除此之外, 产品当中也添加了玻尿酸和人参。所以擦了之后, 皮肤水嫩嫩的, 色调也变得健康、亮丽。 

这可说是一个必试的美容产品! 在各大超市只售RRM59.90。

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