Saturday, September 28

LIESE Hair Cocktail Moisturizing Hair Serum

liese from Japan Hair Cocktail
Hi ladies! Here's another hair product review for the week. It's liese's Hair Cocktail. This has been sitting on my vanity for some time now. 
Cocktail for your hair? Interesting choice of name, sadly it doesn't do much. Let me tell you why. When I put it on, my hair does feel smoother and it doesn't tangled up easily. Moreover, it smells amazing!! I ♥ the fresh peachy smell. But when I don't use the product,  my hair still feels rough and easily tangled. The vitamin water didn't even do its job. As you can see from the picture above, the product is separated into 2 layers: anti-frizz oil on top and vitamin water on the bottom. The vitamin water is supposed to nourish our hair and the oil is to smooth out everything, reduce frizziness and tangeling. Before using it, you'll have to shake well so that both layers are combined. 

各位美女们好! 这里又要给大家讲评之前用过的护发产品, 那就是来自日本的liese Hair Cocktail. 名字很头特别是吧? 难到头发也要喝鸡尾酒轻松一下吗? 哈哈。。。用了它以后, 头发感觉
比较柔顺, 没那么容易打劫。而且, 擦了头发香香的。我很喜欢它那清新的桃子味! 可是, 当我没用的时候, 头发依然会打劫。 似乎那维他命水没有任何作用。从图上可以清楚的看到产品是有两层: 上层是防毛躁的精油, 下层是维他命水。维他命水是给于头发滋润的, 而精油是使毛发顺滑。使用前先摇一摇瓶子,让两层都混合在一起。

The hair cocktail can be purchased at sasa, Watsons and various departmental stores. Selling price is RM 32.00. They have another lighter version which is in blue and green color. It is less oily and if this one is already not giving much effect,  I don't think you should go for the lighter version. Personally, I won't repurchase this product. 

这产品可在sasa, Watsons 和各大百货公司找到。售价是  RM 32.00。除了这款, 他们也推出了令一款比较淡的, 是青蓝色的。可是本人觉得连这款都没什么作用了, 就不应该选淡的。总之, 我是不会再买第二瓶的。

With love, 
pei san 

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