Friday, September 27

7-Days Challenge #1: SCHWARZKOPF Extra Care Hair Repair with Liquid Keratin Hydro Collagen Shampoo

Schwarzkopf Extra Care Hair Repair (with liquid keratin) Hydro Collagen Shampoo
I have very dry scalp and my hair is also very dried out after all the washing everyday. When Schwarzkopf launch it's low range hair care products, I bought this to try it out. This particular product is for hydration of hair. It contains Hyaluronan (moisturizing agent) and liquid keratin (protein that form our hair) which restore hydration into our hair and repair our hair cell. 

Sadly, the outcome is very disappointing and I realized that using myself to test out different product can be very torturing.  
Day 1 - After washing, my hair feels very rough.  It's harder to comb through. Worst of all, my scalp feels very itchy throughout the day which triggers me to scratch and damage the scalp. 
Day 2 - The itchiness continues and still no sign of improvement. My hair feels like straw now. 
Day 3 - It feels like the shampoo is draining moisture from my hair. My hair is easily tangled. 
Day 4 - I think my hair got used to the shampoo. The itchiness reduced but my hair still feels very rough.  

I stopped after the 4th day because I don't think this product works for me. 

我的头皮很干,头发也因为每天洗而变得干燥。当Schwarzkopf 推出廉价的护发产品时,我就买了它来试。它含有玻尿酸成份和角蛋白, 可恢复头发的水份及修复毛细胞。

第一天 - 洗完后,头发感觉粗燥,不易梳理,容易打结。更糟糕的是,头皮一整天都在发痒。我越抓就越伤。
第二天 - 还是在发痒,也没任何多大进展。 毛发也变得像草一样。
第三天 - 我觉得这产品并没有使头发滋润,反而好像吸掉了头发原有的水分。头发变得容易打结。 
第四天 - 头皮好像开始适应了产品,不再发痒。不过,毛发还是感觉粗燥。


With love, 

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