Monday, September 23

LIVING PROOF Cell Recovery Night Hydration Complex

Today, I would like to share with you about this product, Living Proof Cell Recovery Night Hydration Complex

今天想要跟大家分享的是Living Proof的Cell Recovery Night Hydration Complex. 

A week ago, I bump into this product again.  This time I bought 2 bottles, one for me and the other for my mom. I still remember two years ago, when I was looking for a night cream with Vitamin C, I found this product. Personally, I never heard about this brand before but I just give it a try. Actually, the best time for skin whitening is at night. 

一个星期前, 我又找回了这个产品。 这次我一口气买了两瓶。一瓶给我自己, 一瓶给我妈。我还记得两年前, 我正找着含有维他命C的夜霜时, 遇到了它。在那之前, 也没听过这个品牌。其实, 要达到最佳美白功效的方法就是在晚上擦含有维他命C的产品。

The main feature of all Living Proof's product is the bio-active Phyto Placenta™ which is extracted from the buds and seeds of plants of Beech Tree, known as the "everlasting youth tree" in Europe for its rejuvenate and surviving power. So if you are a vegetarian like me, you can still used as it is non-animal origin. 

Living Proof 的所有产品内含有的活性植物胎素是从一种叫山毛榉树的种子和花芯提炼出来的。这树在欧洲也被称为 "永驻青春之树", 因为它有非一般的生存能力。这产品是植物制成的, 所以介绍给吃素的同伴们就是再适合不过了。

It also contain hydrolyzed soy protein that rich in essential Amino Acid in provides anti-aging and also enhances the ability of the skin to hydrate, increases elasticity and nourishes. 

它也含有水解大豆蛋白。这种蛋白质有丰富的氨基酸, 可抗老 、提高皮肤的吸收力和弹性。

This botanical active ingredients are clinically proven and produced from the laboratories of UK, France, Germany, Switzerland and the USA and are certified under 

If you are interested to know about Living Proof's product, you can visit its website at 

所有的活性植物成分都通过临床试验证实, 也深受各国的有关机构的承认。大家可放心! 有兴趣的朋友们可到以上网展查询。

I give myself 7 days challenge on this product.  Every night, after cleansing and toning, I apply a thin layer (one pump) to my face and neck and gently massage with circular motion until fully absorb. The product is orangy in color with citrus aroma. The texture is light, watery and non-sticky. After application, I feel velvety softness on my face. 

我给了自己一个七天的小挑战来试证一下。每天晚上, 洗完脸和擦了化妆水后, 我就擦上薄薄的一层Cell Recovery Night Hydration Complex在脸上和颈部。然后轻轻地以打圈圈的动作按摩。产品的质感是水水的, 不会油腻, 也有淡淡的橘味。按摩完了以后, 皮肤感觉软棉棉的, 感觉真好!

The result is wonderful! I noticed that my skin is more firm and elastic. It has renewed and regain its moisture. It's also smoother. 

效果真的很棒! 皮肤恢复了原有的弹性, 也吸收了吸收了水分和营养, 变得结实有滑。

Currently, it is only available in Aeon Wellness Pharmacy at affordable price of RM46.90. Although under this brand, this is the only product I am using now but I am sure to try the others especially the Cell Relift Eye Gel. 

这产品可在Aeon Wellness Pharmacy 找到。售价是RM46.90。虽然我只是试过Living Proof的其中一种产品, 可是我觉得他们家的Cell Relift Eye Gel会是不错的, 有机会一定试。

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