Sunday, October 20

THE FACE SHOP Face & it All About Lipstick

The Face Shop All About Lipstick PK101
Here's my recent purchase. It's a lipstick from The Face Shop. It's under their "All About Lipstick" range in the color PK101. I love the color when I swatch it on my hand at the store. The texture is very soft....almost like butter and I was thinking it would go great with my dry lips. Plus, it's only RM 17.95 after 50% discount. So, without thinking much I happily grabbed it and proceed to pay. 

最近买了这支口红,是来自韩国The Face Shop 的。这是他们家 “All About Lipstick” 系列里的粉红色,PK101。我在店里随手就在我的手背上试了一下,爱上了它那粉嫩的粉红色。质感也很软,很像牛油。我当时就觉得因该可以克服我那干燥的嘴唇。而且有50%折扣,只是RM17.95而已,所以没想太多就买了。

I was pretty excited about the soft pink color and once I reach home, I immediately open it and try it on my lips. 
Annnnnd.....horror strikes!!!!
I feel like killing myself for buying this and not try it out on my lips at the store (because I was lazy and it's not hygienic to do that but of course there's some trick to do it too). The lipstick is too soft and buttery and it feels like I have smathered some strawberry ice-cream on my lips. I can't get an even application of product and the lipstick get struck in the cracks of my lips (even after I try exfoliating and moisture it with lip balm). I can't believe that such terrible product still exist in the market! Well, you know what they say...don't get too happy when you get cheap/free things. I think that's why it's on sale. They were trying to clear the stock. 
Not cool, Face Shop! Not cool! 

怎知道。。。晴天霹雳!。。很想杀了自己,为什么当时没有试真一点?为什么没有试在自己的嘴唇上?其实当时有点懒,也因为卫生的元素,所以就只试在手上。真的很后悔!这口红太软了,感觉就像是我吃着草莓口味的雪糕,吃的满嘴都是。我完全无法很均匀地涂在嘴唇上。我还先去死皮,甚至擦了些滋润的唇膏,效果也一样。 我真的无法相信在市场上还有这种产品存在!难怪他们说,买到便宜货别高兴得过早。我相信这也是他们有大减价的原因,是要清货。

Soft pink 
Demonstration on my lips
pei san 

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